Adopting Terror (2012)

Adopting Terror Poster

Tim and Cheryl Broadbent are excited to finally adopt Mona, a beautiful baby girl. But when the baby's biological father starts stalking them, their world turns upside down: through intimidation, manipulation, and violence, he is determined to take his daughter back. Written by Anonymous (

Film Introduction
The 2012 horror-thriller 'Adopting Terror' is directed by Micho Rutare and written by Nik Frank-Lehrer. The central characters in the movie consist of Sean Astin (Kevin), Samaire Armstrong (Cheryl), and Monet Mazur (Fay). Based around the petrifying concept of adoption, 'Adopting Terror' elaborates on the horrific experience a couple goes through when they decide to bring an orphan kid into their lives and face unanticipated terror from the kid's biological father.

Main Plot
The story revolves around the life of a young couple, Tim and Cheryl Broadbent, who are thrilled when they embrace a baby woman named Mona. They expect an intense future as a brand-new household till a series of frightening events unfold. Kevin Anderson, a guy declaring to be the biological daddy, appears at their doorstep demanding to see his child. The couple turns him away, however disturbing incidents quickly begin to happen.

Dispute and Terror
When his needs are rebuffed by the couple and authorities alike, Kevin starts a reign of horror. He resorts to stalking the household, sabotaging their belongings, and even assaulting individuals associated with them. His obsession rapidly escalitates into harmful actions, putting the family's life at stake. Among the crucial scenes consists of a videotape sent to Tim and Cheryl showing Kevin damage their buddies, showing he would hurt anybody who gets in his method. His past is revealed as a convict who was launched on parole, increasing the fear aspect.

Tim and Cheryl are pushed into desperation. Irritated with the absence of action from the authorities and no chance to lawfully keep Kevin far from their family, they choose to take matters into their own hands. They collect evidence against Kevin and established a trap in an effort to expose his malicious intentions once and for all. In a thrilling ending, the couple confronts Kevin directly, intensifying into a physical run-in that ends with Kevin's arrest.

The film's climax offers a sigh of relief when Kevin is eliminated by the authorities. Tim and Cheryl, having endured this terror, lastly felt confident that their adopted daughter is secure. The family is joined, drawing an end to the tense occasions they had been through and leaving audiences with a sense of calm and fulfillment amidst the horror they've experienced.

Overall Assessment
Although filled with scary and thriller, 'Adopting Terror' aims to underline an effective message about the strength of household bonds in the face of difficulty. The film manages to grip the viewers' attention, keeping them on their toes with the suspense-filled plot. It brings to life the turmoil of the adoptive parents and the lengths they go to safeguard their kid. The psychological depth combined with a plot-twisting story makes 'Adopting Terror' a thrilling watch.

Top Cast

  • Sean Astin (small)
    Sean Astin
    Tim Broadbent
  • Samaire Armstrong (small)
    Samaire Armstrong
    Cheryl Broadbent
  • Monet Mazur (small)
    Monet Mazur
    Fay Hopkins
  • Brendan Fehr (small)
    Brendan Fehr
    Kevin Anderson
  • Michael Gross (small)
    Michael Gross
    Dr. Ziegler
  • Ken Colquitt (small)
    Ken Colquitt
    Judge Ryans
  • Evelyn Danford
  • Mary Gross (small)
    Mary Gross
  • Judi Barton
  • Marcus Choi (small)
    Marcus Choi
    Officer Park
  • Edward DeRuiter