An Autumn's Tale (1987)

An Autumn's Tale Poster
Original Title: 秋天的童話

Hong Kong native Lee Kay moves to NYC's Chinatown while attending college. When she learns that her boyfriend's cheating, her cousin comforts her.

"An Autumn's Tale", released in 1987, is a popular romantic drama movie from Hong Kong directed by Mabel Cheung. Starring Chow Yun Fat and Cherie Chung, the movie depicts a poignant tale of love and relationship intricacies. The story resonates with a theme of seasonal transition synonymous with the human experiences of growth, evolution, and psychological maturity as it unfolds in the cities of Hong Kong and New York.

Plot Summary
"An Autumn's Tale" follows the journey of Jennifer (Cherie Chung), affectionately called 'Figurehead,' a young girl living in Hong Kong who relocates to New York to pursue her studies and be near her boyfriend Vincent. When she gets here, she finds herself living with her cousin-in-law, Figurehead (Chow Yun Fat) due to financial constraints. Contrary to her expectations, Figurehead is a boorish, uneducated and heavy-drinking womanizer who works as a heating system male.

Character Development
Initially, Figurehead's way of life shocks Jennifer. However, as they hang around together, she sees his genuine, caring side. Token, regardless of his rough facade, has a heart of gold. He looks after Jennifer, protects her and really appreciates her well-being. Both discover convenience in each other's business as they browse the complexities of residing in New York. Jennifer addresses her sensations for her unfaithful partner and accepts the truth that her relationship with him is over.

Romantic Transition
As time passes, Figurehead and Jennifer establish deep feelings for each other. A romantic relationship progresses in between the 2, albeit subtly. Jennifer's character develops from a naive, innocent girl into a fully grown, understanding woman who realizes that love resides in compatibility and mutual respect instead of mere appearances.

On the other hand, Figurehead changes from a carefree bachelor to a male who's really in love, taking obligation for not simply Jennifer's security, however also her emotional wellness. Their emerging relationship, filled with understanding, respect, and friendship, is the essence of the film.

The Climax and Conclusion
Towards the climax, Jennifer goes back to Hong Kong after completing her studies. Token, who feels he is unworthy of her due to his lack of conventional elegance, refrains from expressing his love and does not accompany her. However, a parallel shift is also taking place in Jennifer's mind and heart, culminating in her declaring her love to Figurehead. The movie ends on a note of suspense, leaving the audiences to decide if they eventually wind up together.

"An Autumn's Tale" is more than simply a love story; it's a distinct representation of human psychological shifts and development, magnificently signified through the altering seasons. Gripping efficiencies by Chow Yun Fat and Cherie Chung breathe life into these characters, creating an unforgettable plot that has endeared audiences for years. The movie won a huge selection of awards for its unique storyline, incredible acting performances, and memorable discussions redefining distinct point of views on love and individual growth.

Top Cast

  • Chow Yun-fat (small)
    Chow Yun-fat
    Samuel Pang
  • Cherie Chung (small)
    Cherie Chung
    Jennifer Lee
  • Danny Chan Bak-Keung (small)
    Danny Chan Bak-Keung
  • Gigi Wong (small)
    Gigi Wong
    Mrs. Sherwood
  • Wu Fu-Sheng (small)
    Wu Fu-Sheng
  • Yung-Cho Ching
  • Huang Man (small)
    Huang Man
    Jennifer's Mother
  • Ming-Suen Jeng
    Anna Sherwood
  • Brenda Lo
    May-Chu May
  • George Gerard (small)
    George Gerard
    NYU Law Student
  • Ozzy Kid
    Gang Leader