Bed for Day, Bed for Night (1977)

Bed for Day, Bed for Night Poster
Original Title: 床上的故事

Introduction to "Bed for Day, Bed for Night"
"Bed for Day, Bed for Night" is not a widely acknowledged film, and since my understanding cutoff in 2023, there does not appear to be a film by that precise title launched in 1977. It's possible there could be confusion with another film or a misrecollection of the title. To offer a practical summary, I would need the proper title or extra information about the movie. Without accurate details, I can produce an imaginary summary for a theoretical movie with that title, translating it as a drama that covers the double lives of the protagonist.

The Film's Premise
Presuming "Bed for Day, Bed for Night" is a character-driven drama, the movie could revolve around the complicated life of the primary character, who leads a double presence. The title might metaphorically represent the lead character's different daytime and nighttime personas. By day, they may be a dedicated professional with a recognized career, while in the evening, a very different side of their life unfolds. Possibly it's about a character with a secret identity or a double life that involves them taking part in activities significantly various from their day job.

Daytime Storyline
In the daylight hours, "Bed for Day, Bed for Night" most likely follows the lead character as they browse the pressures of a high-stakes job. It might reveal them as a cherished figure in their neighborhood, appreciated by coworkers and trusted by good friends. This section of the movie could highlight the complexities of preserving expert and personal relationships while harboring a significant trick. The character's interactions throughout the day would be laced with dramatic irony, as viewers know the covert part of their life that those around them do not see.

Nighttime Storyline
As night falls, the movie would move tones and look into the lead character's alter ego. The bed that functioned as a place of rest now ends up being an entrance to a different world. This could include exploring night life, engaging in illegal activities, or living out an enthusiasm that they must hide from the world by day. The night scenes would be expertly contrasted with the day, perhaps utilizing different lighting and cinematography to boost the dichotomy of their existence.

Themes and Character Development
Throughout the movie, styles of identity, secrecy, and morality would be explored. The protagonist may go through durations of inner turmoil as they reconcile their dual lives. Perhaps they are gone after by sensations of regret, fear of direct exposure, or a longing for liberty from their double existence. The plot might thicken as the 2 different worlds start to collide, with the lead character's nighttime activities threatening to spill over into the day.

Climax and Conclusion
As the story reaches its climax, the tension of the protagonist's secret emerging would be palpable. It could culminate in a minute of reality, with substantial consequences for both their profession and individual life. The conclusion of "Bed for Day, Bed for Night" would offer some resolution to the protagonist's story, whether that is making peace with their dual life, being exposed, or finding a method to integrate their two worlds. The ending would likely leave the audience pondering concerns about the nature of credibility and the masks that people use in different aspects of their lives.

Final Thoughts
Without concrete information on the real "Bed for Day, Bed for Night" film from 1977, the above summary is an imaginative creation based on the title alone. Ought to more accurate details be supplied, an appropriate summary could be offered for the existing film. Otherwise, this imaginary account provides an exploration of what could be an appealing and remarkable cinematic piece about the intricacies of leading a life marked by duality.

Top Cast

  • Chow Yun-fat (small)
    Chow Yun-fat
  • Wan Lau-mei
  • Chen Hsi Lien
  • Ha Chun-Chau
  • Yat Fan Lau
  • Wong Jing-Jing