Boogeyman 2 (2007)

Boogeyman 2 Poster

A young woman attempts to cure her phobia of the boogeyman by checking herself into a mental health facility, only to realize too late that she is now helplessly trapped with her own greatest fear.

Film Overview
"Boogeyman 2" is a 2007 American supernatural horror movie directed by Jeff Betancourt. The script was composed by Brian Sieve and the ensemble cast functions Danielle Savre, Matt Cohen, and Tobin Bell. The movie is a follow up to the 2005 film entitled "Boogeyman", and centers around a group of characters fighting their deepest worries in a non-traditional mental health institution.

The movie opens with a young Laura Porter and her bro Henry seeing the gruesome murder of their moms and dads by the Boogeyman. Laura grows up shocked by this occasion, developing extreme stress and anxiety and a particular fear of the Boogeyman. As an adult, Laura willingly checks herself into a psychological institution, looking for help to conquer her worries. Here, she whispers to fellow clients the foreboding tale of the Boogeyman.

The institution is house to a collection of characters who all have private fears and phobias, from a fear of bugs to height phobia and self-mutilation. Dr. Jessica Ryan (Renee O'Connor) leads the treatment sessions. Significant among the clients is a reasonable young man called Henry, who does not think in the Boogeyman's existence.

Nevertheless, weird and frightening events begin to happen within the institution. The clients are murdered one by one, each eliminated in a way showing their worst fears. For instance, somebody with a fear of bugs is taken in by a swarm of insects, and a male who fears self-mutilation is tragically ripped apart. The horror heightens as the survivors recognize that the murders are connected to their shared fear: the Boogeyman.

Laura feels her childhood fears restored as she's convinced that the Boogeyman is behind the killings. On the other hand, Henry firmly insists that a human killer is making use of everybody's worry of the legendary Boogeyman.

Climax and Conclusion
In the climactic final scenes, it's exposed the real killer is not the Boogeyman however fellow patient, Alison, feeding into the group's shared fear. Alison planned to make Laura her final victim but instead winds up getting killed by Laura in self-defense. Right after, the Boogeyman appears prior to Laura, validating its existence to her. The movie ends on an eerie note, with a shocked Laura seemingly becoming the next Boogeyman.

Total Impressions
"Boogeyman 2" differentiates itself from the first installment by opting for more visceral horror. The film's setting within the confined walls of a psychological institution magnifies the feeling of paranoia and fear. Danielle Savre delivers a solid performance as Laura, convincingly depicting a woman facing injuries. Matt Cohen likewise effectively brings to life the character of Henry, using a grounded perspective amidst terror. The framework of the plot wisely exploits numerous typical worries and fears whilst providing an unforeseen twist. Regardless of its standard scary components, the film also communicates a strong psychological insight into the nature of worry itself.

Top Cast

  • Danielle Savre (small)
    Danielle Savre
    Laura Porter
  • Matt Cohen (small)
    Matt Cohen
    Henry Porter
  • Chrissy Calhoun (small)
    Chrissy Calhoun
    Nicky (as Chrissy Griffith)
  • Michael Graziadei (small)
    Michael Graziadei
  • Mae Whitman (small)
    Mae Whitman
  • Renee O'Connor (small)
    Renee O'Connor
    Dr. Jessica Ryan
  • Tobin Bell (small)
    Tobin Bell
    Dr. Mitchell Allen
  • Johnny Simmons (small)
    Johnny Simmons
  • David Gallagher (small)
    David Gallagher
  • Suzanne Jamieson (small)
    Suzanne Jamieson
    Mrs. Porter
  • Lesli Margherita (small)
    Lesli Margherita