Broken Silence (1988)

Broken Silence Poster
Original Title: Klassezämekunft

A black comedy directed by Walter Deuber and Peter Stierlin.

Film Overview
"Broken Silence" is an engaging 1988 Australian function movie directed by Michael Pattinson. Set against the background of the Stolen Generation occasions, the story centers around a white school teacher defending the rights of an Aboriginal student who has actually been powerfully eliminated by the government.

Plot Summary
As the story begins, Simon Robinson (played by Peter Adams), a devoted and tired school teacher, operates at an isolated Aboriginal settlement in Outback Australia. During his period, he constructs a strong bond with a gifted Aboriginal trainee, Tommy Avril (played by David Ngoombujarra), who reveals remarkable artistic talents. Nevertheless, quickly their lives deviate when a federal government authorities, Beresford (played by John Jarratt), arrives to remove Aboriginal kids from their homes to participate in state-run organizations, a part of the Stolen Generations policy in practice at the time.

Beresford forcefully eliminates Tommy and his sister from their household and Simon faces the setback. Not able to stand the unjust treatment, Simon takes the matter into his hands. He resigns from his position and sets out on a mission to rescue Tommy and bring him back home. In his mission, Simon is assisted by a gritty tour van motorist, Liz (played by Noni Hazelhurst), who also becomes his love interest.

Representation of the Stolen Generation
The movie clarifies the profound impacts of the Stolen Generation occurrences, especially the trauma and dislocation faced by Aboriginal households as their children were powerfully removed. This historic event struck a core part of the Aboriginal community's life and culture and impacted a number of generations, resulting in a loss of cultural identity, heritage, and legacy. The film uses its story to highlight this grim duration in the country's history and uses a nuanced representation of these events.

Peter Adams delivers a captivating efficiency as Simon Robinson, showcasing a nuanced understanding of the character's moral battle and determination in a complex scenario. David Ngoombujarra's performance as Tommy is good, bringing a level of authenticity to his role. Noni Hazelhurst as Liz gives a riveting performance, complementing Simon's mission with useful wisdom and earthy wit.

Important Reception
"Broken Silence" was generally popular. The film was praised for its engagement with Australia's dark history and for its performances. Critics lauded the movie's reasonable and delicate portrayal of cultural and social concerns. The film won the 1988 AFI Award for Best Original Screenplay, used a testimony to the strength of its narrative.

In a nutshell, "Broken Silence" is a compelling and delicate representation of Australia's Stolen Generation period, depicting the predicament of Aboriginal communities. The film's narrative weaves in historical events, providing viewers a nuanced understanding of this dark chapter in Australia's past. The efficiencies of the lead cast, the realistic dialogues, and the stirring narrative together make "Broken Silence" a crucial film in Australia's cinematic history.

Top Cast

  • Anne-Marie Blanc (small)
    Anne-Marie Blanc
    Senta von Meissen
  • Stephanie Glaser (small)
    Stephanie Glaser
    Lisbeth Schneider
  • Lukas Ammann (small)
    Lukas Ammann
    Fritz Erne
  • Eva Langraf
    Emmy Erne
  • Ursula Andress (small)
    Ursula Andress
  • Paul Hubschmid (small)
    Paul Hubschmid
    Rolf Zeller
  • Ruedi Walter
    Jack Lutz
  • Inigo Gallo
    Peter Engler
  • Mathias Gnädinger
    Emil Brandenberger
  • Hannes Schmidhauser
    Albert Ehrensperger
  • Peter W. Staub (small)
    Peter W. Staub
    Heiner Amstutz