Cedar Boys (2009)

Cedar Boys Poster

A journey into the lives of Middle-Eastern Australians in Sydney's outer-west.

"Cedar Boys" is an Australian police procedural film launched in 2009, directed by Serhat Caradee. The movie checks out the lives of boys from Middle Eastern backgrounds living in Sydney, handling concerns of identity, belonging, and the attraction of simple cash. It supplies an insightful check out a side of Australian culture that is typically ignored or misconstrued by the mainstream.

Plot Summary
The movie follows the story of Tarek, played by Les Chantery, a young Lebanese-Australian college student who works part-time as a mechanic. He is making every effort to develop a better life for himself and break away from the marginalization and stereotypes that he and his neighborhood face. Tarek, together with his good friends Sam (Waddah Sari) and Nabil (Buddy Dannoun), feels trapped between his Lebanese heritage and Australian nationality, experiencing a double identity crisis.

Annoyed with the minimal opportunities offered to them and the discrimination they deal with regularly, the trio chooses to broaden their horizons and get involved in a dangerous plan for quick money. The plot kicks into high gear when the three friends get included with a local drug dealer called Jamal, played by Bren Foster. Jamal attracts them with the prospect of simple cash through a one-time drug offer.

Though initially reluctant, economic pressures and the desire for acceptance push Tarek into participating. Sam, the more audacious and careless of the group, sees this as a chance to verify his status and power, while Nabil, the more unwilling participant, is swayed by the possible financial gain and loyalty to his good friends.

The Heist
The main event of the film is the drug offer, where they must provide euphoria pills to a group of club-goers in Sydney's night life district. As they explore the city's underbelly, they deal with unforeseen complications and ethical dilemmas. The task proves to be more risky than expected, with the risk of violence and betrayal remaining at every turn.

Themes and Character Development
Throughout the film, the characters face the effects of their decisions. Tarek, particularly, is torn between his genuine desire for a reputable life and the immediate advantages of criminal activity. The film explores his internal battle, as he aims to reconcile his loyalty to his good friends with his own moral compass and future aspirations.

"Cedar Boys" tackles the styles of racial profiling, the immigrant experience, and the search for identity in a multicultural society. It provides a raw and compelling narrative that challenges the audience to think about the circumstances and social pressures that can lead individuals down the course of crime. The sense of brotherhood among the main characters uses a poignant check out the strength of bonds formed under duress, and the lengths one will go to secure those bonds.

Reception and Impact
Upon its release, "Cedar Boys" was well-received for its authenticity, strong efficiencies, and informative depiction of the Australian-Lebanese community. It won the Audience Award for Best Film at the Sydney Film Festival and gained extensive crucial honor for clarifying issues of criminal activity, multiculturalism, and the struggles of second-generation immigrants.

In conclusion, "Cedar Boys" is a thought-provoking drama that combines elements of a thriller with social commentary. It stands apart for its vibrant portrayal of boys caught at the crossroads of culture, law, and morality. This film is an engaging story of relationship, choice, and the pursuit of the Australian dream through the eyes of those who feel like outsiders within their own country.

Top Cast

  • Rachael Taylor (small)
    Rachael Taylor
  • Martin Henderson (small)
    Martin Henderson
  • Bren Foster (small)
    Bren Foster
    Jamal Ayoub
  • Les Chantery (small)
    Les Chantery
    Tarek Ayoub
  • Daniel Amalm (small)
    Daniel Amalm
  • Drew Pearson
    Camera News Man
  • Dan Mor (small)
    Dan Mor
  • Serhat Caradee
  • Buddy Dannoun
  • Waddah Sari
  • Jake Wall