Freud: The Secret Passion (1962)

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An examination of Czech-Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud's career when he began to treat patients diagnosed with hysteria, using the radical technique of hypnosis.

Title: Freud: The Secret Enthusiasm
The 1962 film "Freud: The Secret Enthusiasm" is a gripping dramatic depiction of the life and works of Sigmund Freud, the acclaimed daddy of psychoanalysis. This black-and-white cinematic enactment, directed by John Huston, provides the significant years of Freud's life and his groundbreaking understanding of human mind and habits.

The Set Up
The movie opens in 1885 with Freud's (represented by Montgomery Clift) work at the Vienna General Hospital. It showcases his innovative but frequently met hesitation, research in the field of neurology. The audience witnesses Freud's transition from studying physical ailments to his increasing fascination with clients whose symptoms might not be described by natural causes- birth of psychoanalysis.

Expert Struggles
Freud's expert journey was marked by consistent struggles. He struggled with displeasure and ostracization from the conservative medical neighborhood due to his intriguing theories. The film effectively catches this stress, specifically during the scenes revealing Freud's distinctions with his mentor, Dr. Joseph Breuer, over the treatment of Anna O.

Psychoanalysis and Patients
The movie delves into Freud's essential theories, as Freud uses them to his patients experiencing confusing, unconsciously driven conditions. Particularly notable holds true of Cecily Koertner, a client suffering from hysteria. Freud uses techniques like dream analysis and complimentary association to reveal Cecily's repressed memories and distressing youth experiences, healing her at the same time. Such episodes highlight how Freud's work stays revolutionary by proposing that unconscious mind influences our actions and choices.

Personal Life and Relationships
Apart from his professional life, the biographical drama also explores Freud's personal life. It represents his loving relationship with his partner, Martha, and his relationships. A crucial highlight is his relationship with an admirer and later critic, Carl Jung. This expedition brings a balanced view of Freud as both a committed scientist and a person.

The concluding scenes reveal Freud's undeterred devotion to advance his theories, unfazed by the growing criticism from contemporaries. The film ends with Freud being honored for his huge contributions to comprehending the human mind.

"Freud: The Secret Passion" takes some creative liberties to impart excitement and drama but basically sticks to the important aspects of Sigmund Freud's life and theories. The film largely follows historical accuracy, reveling in the obstacles Freud faced, his pioneering discoveries about the human mind, and his unshakeable commitment to his passion for psychoanalysis.

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