Hustling for Health (1919)

Hustling for Health Poster

Stan Laurel is picked up at the train depot and brought back by the husband to the family home where the wife is having a suffragette meeting. None too pleased they cause mayhem and then the neighbours are brought into it as Stan cleans up the backyard by throwing all the rubbish into their award winning garden.

The movie "Hustling for Health", launched in 1919, falls under the genre of short-comedy, directed by Alfred J. Goulding. The quiet film, filled with prompt humor, starred notable characters of the silent period including George Rowe, Mildred Davis, Harold Lloyd, Snub Pollard, and Estelle Harrison.

Plot Summary
"Hustling for Health" is about the lead character George Rowe who, due to his illness, is advised by the medical professional to take a holiday for his immediate healing. Hence, he plans a trip to a leased cabin in the mountains. Preparing for relaxation, George begins his journey unaware that this respite would morph into a series of comical adventures.

Unforeseen Entertainment
Upon reaching the cabin, George learns that it's in a worthless state, challenging his initial expectations of a tranquil stay. To contribute to his anguish, another tourist, played by Harold Lloyd, shows up with his girlfriend, making a claim on the exact same cabin. As both celebrations try to assert their rights, their contending stay in the cabin define numerous humorous events for the audience.

Comic Escapades
The occurring story uses a number of comedic mechanisms including physical humor, incorrect identities, and display of wit and strength from both parties to keep the cabin. The story also utilizes the tool of love, placing George within a love triangle in between himself, Harold's character, and Harold's sweetheart.

The comic engagements and rivalries end in a humorous and tranquil resolution. Finally, George returns home, his health incredibly improved, associating his recovery humorously to the unexpected 'hustle' during his holiday rather of the relaxation he at first looked for.

Analytical Viewpoint
"Hustling for Health" is a strong exhibition of the comedic skill and imagination that defined the quiet movie era. Regardless of its brief run-time, "Hustling for Health" handles to work as a wonderful funny, packed with humor, wit, and an amusing plot.

Overall, the film is a short yet reliable representation of the simpler times of silent filmmaking, where storytelling relied greatly on slapstick funny and physical performances. This movie provides an enjoyable, wholesome viewing experience that represents a considerable piece of early cinematic history.

Top Cast

  • Stan Laurel (small)
    Stan Laurel
    The Man
  • Dorothy Coburn
  • Mrs. Fleming
  • Pearl Elmore
  • Sadie Gordon
  • Rosa Gore (small)
    Rosa Gore
  • Bud Jamison (small)
    Bud Jamison
    Mr. Spotless
  • Margaret Joslin (small)
    Margaret Joslin
  • Jerome Laplauch
  • Marie Mosquini (small)
    Marie Mosquini