Inspired by Bret Easton Ellis (2010)

Inspired by Bret Easton Ellis Poster

Commissioned by Random House and Bret Easton Ellis.

Introduction and Plot
"Inspired by Bret Easton Ellis" is a 2010 short movie composed and directed by Bruce Thierry Cheung. The film utilizes aspects from Bret Easton Ellis' literary works to weave a story that checks out the darker aspects of life in Los Angeles in the 1980s, a theme often found in Ellis' works. The narrative concentrates on Jamie, an ignorant boy, who visits his rich buddy Robert at his Beverly Hills house, leading to both comic and awful events.

Main Characters
The primary characters in the movie are Jamie and Robert. Jamie, represented by Andrew Callahan, is an innocent, relying on young man who seeks solace in Robert's company following an uncomfortable break up. Zephyr Benson plays Robert, a rich, reckless, manipulative individual. He mirrors the typical Ellis character, somebody who is all surface area charm and wealth however brings a sense of nihilism and devastating behaviour beneath.

Styles and Style
The film explores themes of wealth, youth, decadence, and ethical personal bankruptcy, showing the tone of many of Ellis's novels. The short film also records the brand-conscious, emotionally cold environment frequently found in Ellis's works, with characters more linked to product wealth than to each other.

The story unfolds in a stream-of-consciousness style, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Just like Ellis's writing style, the film exposes the audiences to a world where charm and ugliness exist together, highlighted by specialist cinematography capturing the stark contrasts of 1980s LA.

. Vital Reception
"Inspired by Bret Easton Ellis" was generally well received by critics. The movie was lauded for capturing the essence of Ellis's works and effectively equating it to the screen. The efficiencies of Callahan and Benson were highly valued, particularly for their delivery of prolonged, introspective monologues similar to Ellis' narrative voice. Critics applauded Bruce Thierry Cheung's writing and directing, asserting his eager understanding of Ellis's complicated characters and themes.

"Inspired by Bret Easton Ellis" encapsulates the world of the well known contemporary author through a compact and visually striking story. It brings into play Ellis's styles of surface-level glamour masking spiritual desolation, perfectly translating his literary vision into a cinematic medium. By focusing on deeply flawed, complex characters set in a luxurious however hollow world, the brief movie effectively captures the essence of Bret Easton Ellis's original works.

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