Judgment (2001)

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Helen Hannah, the Christian leader of "Apocalypse" "Revelation" and "Tribulation" is being put on trial in the One Nation Earth Court of Justice. Mitch Kendrick is a lawyer assigned to defend her, and Victoria Thorne, his ex-lover, is the attorney. Not only is the entire trial scripted, but Kendrick is on the fence about whose side he's on.

The movie "Judgment" is a 2001 Canadian drama directed by André van Heerden. It's the 3rd installation in the Apocalypse series developed by Paul Lalonde and Peter Lalonde. The film stars Corbin Bernsen, Jessica Steen, Mr. T, and Nick Mancuso and centres on a fictitious future in which Christianity is outlawed, exploring the stress between civil liberty and state-controlled belief systems.

Plot Summary
The story takes place in an unspecified future in which the Christian faith has actually been declared an unsafe risk to the One Nation Earth (O.N.E) federal government, led by Franco Macalousso (Nick Mancuso). This global federal government body views Christianity as the root cause of war, scarcity, and hardship. Consequently, the Christian faith has actually been forbidden and replaced with a universal "faith" that exclusively worships Macalousso, who believes he is the Messiah.

The plot picks up with the arrest of Helen Hannah (Jessica Steen), a well-known Christian evangelist, charged with "hate criminal offenses" for her faith. She stands implicated in a prominent case, presenting her as a sign of the Christian rebellion versus Macalousso's routine. The well known and conceited lawyer Mitch Kendrick (Corbin Bernsen) is specifically selected to prosecute Hannah, regardless of his professed agnosticism.

Major Themes and Events
As the film progresses, Kendrick finds himself drawn into the underbelly of the new world order, pestered by a whip-smart defense attorney Victoria Thorne (Leigh Lewis) and haunted by a strange televangelist played by Mr. T. As he wrestles with the ramifications of Hannah's faith, he slowly discovers the ominous reality behind Macalousso's regime.

In the midst of the trial, a series of revelations confront Mitch: his reduced memories about his mother's faith, the real nature of Macalousso, and the veracity of Helen's faith. Torn between his desire to win a high-profile case and the newly found realization of the ruling program's manipulative propensities, Mitch deals with a life-altering decision to either line up with the oppressive regime or rebel against it.

Judgment is a chilling exploration of spiritual freedom and persecution, made even more shocking by its dystopian future. The story complexly weaves human rights issues with Biblical prophecy in an overview of a world that appears eerily possible. The movie ends with Mitch choosing faith and justice over worldwide acknowledgment by openly exposing Macalousso's strategies to the world throughout the last climax of the trial.

Alongside its plot, "Judgment" triggers discussions on freedom of idea, conscience, and religious beliefs. Its main idea is a powerful reminder of the possible threats when any group tries to determine belief systems or suppress civil liberty. By reformulating the ever-present debate in between faith and law, the film skirts around the edges of anticipating the possibility of a worldwide religious dictatorship, therefore acting as a plain suggestion of the value of religious liberty.

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