Let's Make It Legal (1951)

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A woman divorces her husband of 20 years because he gambles too much.

Introduction and Plot
"Let's Make It Legal" is a 1951 American romantic funny movie directed by Richard Sale. It told a funny yet touching story about the implications of divorce, unswerving love, and the mission to rekindle lost love. The film starred iconic stars such as Claudette Colbert, Macdonald Carey, Zachary Scott, Barbara Bates, and Marilyn Monroe in a supporting function.

The comedy-drama revolves around the lives of Miriam Halsworth and her wealthy spouse Hugh Halsworth who are on the edge of settling their divorce. In spite of their differences, the couple shares a deep bond which is apparent through their interactions. They have an adult child named Barbara who is wed to Jerry Denham, a having a hard time aspiring lawyer with a weak financial status.

Miriam, who is still lovely and appealing, nervously eagerly anticipates her new life as a single lady. Nevertheless, Barbara definitely thinks that her parents still have sensations for each other and tries to reunite them, regardless of Miriam's decision to divorce and taste the flexibility she's been craving.

The Twist in the Tale
The story takes a twist when an old business associate, Victor Macfarland, of Hugh's programs up at their doorstep. Victor is an effective yet manipulative business person, who has a track record as a ladies' guy. His arrival stimulates things as he begins to strongly pursue Miriam, irrespective of the truth that Miriam holds a grudge against him for trying to take one of Hugh's company offers years ago. Victor uses his wealth, beauty, and elegance to charm Miriam and eventually attempts to take her to Las Vegas to wed her. In spite of Victor's efforts, Miriam remains unpredictable.

Remarriage in the Offing
Throughout the course of the film, Hugh, realizing his extensive love for Miriam, attempts to win her back. He battles with the conflict between his official mindset and the unexpected rush of jealousy and possessiveness he feels when he sees Miriam with Victor. Hugh can't tolerate Victor's casual efforts to win Miriam over and chooses to fight for his love.

In spite of the ongoing amendments from Victor, Miriam finds herself recollecting about the fond memories she shares with Hugh. In a climactic twist, Hugh barges into Victor's room and lastly reveals his feelings for Miriam, admitting he has actually never ever stopped liking her.

The film concludes ambiguously, with Miriam challenging her sensations towards Hugh and being confused between her yearning for flexibility, her emerging love for Hugh, and the appealing proposition from the successful Victor. The motion picture ends letting the viewers infer whether Miriam would return to Hugh or choose to be with Victor instead.

"Let's Make It Legal" brilliantly portrayed strong household ties and the traditional battle of love against monetary stability. Regardless of the movie being labeled a romantic funny, it shared insight on household characteristics, separated love, and the struggle in between heart and mind. Its light-hearted humor was skillfully woven with extreme emotional scenes, spreading a fragrance of laughter and tears throughout the motion picture.

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