Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face (2007)

Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face Poster

Phyllis Diller’s brand of comedy is as timeless today as it was in the 1960s, when she became a regular on popular variety and talk shows. From her outrageous costumes to wildly teased hair, Diller was a pioneer among female comediennes, paving the way for future stars. Who can forget her hilarious housekeeping and marriage tips, her beleaguered husband Fang, her cackling laugh and self-deprecating sense of humor? Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face highlights some of her best routines. Special guest stars such as Don Rickles and Dean Martin make this a fun trip back in time.

Launched in 2007, "Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face" is a documentary film that provides an insight into the life and career of the iconic American stand-up comedian and actress, Phyllis Diller (1917-- 2012). Diller's groundbreaking career in comedy covered almost 5 years and the documentary provides a comprehensive view of her life, through interviews, gathered footage and commentary from fellow comics and performers who appreciated her work.

Phyllis Diller's Early Journey
The movie begins by talking about Diller's early life and her journey into the world of comedy. Born in Lima, Ohio, Diller was a housewife and mom of five when she began her career at the age of 37. Defying social norms of the time, she chose to follow her passion for funny, with the support of her husband. The film stresses that Diller was one of the very first ladies to establish herself as an effective female funnyman.

Diller's Style of Comedy
"Not Just Another Pretty Face" highlights Diller's distinct comedic design, including her zany dresses, wild hair, and contagious laughter. Diller used self-deprecation as a core part of her comedic act, typically satirizing her looks and domestic abilities, styles that resonated with her mainly female audience. The documentary praises her mastery of timing and her special ability to connect with audiences on a personal level, emphasizing that she led the way for future female comedians.

A Glimpse of Diller's Private Life
Aside from her funny profession, the movie also provides an insight into Diller's personal life. It details her difficult marriages, her relationships with her children, and how she managed criticism and problems. It likewise covers her fights with health issues, consisting of a heart attack and other illnesses which led to her retirement from stand-up comedy in 2002.

Tradition and Influence
The movie even more explores the significant impact Diller had on the comedy landscape, breaking barriers for other females in the industry. Her fearlessness in poking fun at domestic stereotyping in the 1960s and her successful transition from homemaker to a renowned comedian made her a good example for future generations of comics.

Review Statements and Interviews
"Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face" includes a number of interviews with celebs, comedians and close associates who share their experiences and interactions with Diller. Interviews from figures such as Rosanne Barr, Jay Leno, and others highlight Diller's influence in the field, highlighting her pioneering career in a male-dominated industry.

In essence, the movie provides an in-depth account of Diller's life, her innovative profession, struggles, victories and her legacy as a pioneer for females in comedy. It celebrates her guts and strength in a male-dominated market, her infectious humor and her distinct capability to touch hearts, making "Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face" a fitting homage to the comedy icon.

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