Putting Pants on Philip (1927)

Putting Pants on Philip Poster

Pompous J. Piedmont Mumblethunder greets his nephew from Scotland who arrives in kilts. He is immediately taken to a tailor for a pair of proper pants.

Intro to "Putting Pants on Philip"
"Putting Pants on Philip" is a silent, black and white funny movie launched in 1927, featuring the renowned duo Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in their first official film as a funny group. Directed by Clyde Bruckman and produced by Hal Roach, this short film presents a funny clash of cultures and fashion sensibilities when a young Scotsman gets here in America.

Plot Overview
The film opens with Philip (Stan Laurel), a young Scotsman, arriving in the United States. J. Piedmont Mumblethunder (Oliver Hardy), his American uncle, is both thrilled and uncertain about satisfying his kilt-wearing nephew. The sight of Philip in his standard Scottish outfit instantly draws attention, resulting in a series of comical misunderstandings and humiliations for Piedmont in the dynamic city environment.

Piedmont is identified to have his nephew adopt American designs and custom-mades, starting with trading in his kilt for a pair of pants. Philip, nevertheless, is resistant to the concept and takes pride in his Scottish heritage. His kilt becomes a running gag throughout the movie, drawing in undesirable attention from women who find it amusing and guys who discover it bewildering.

Comical Escapades
The comedic stress in "Putting Pants on Philip" revolves around the contrast between the conservative American sensibilities of the 1920s and Philip's unabashed screen of his kilt. As they make their way through the city, different events highlight the cultural clash, including wind gusts revealing Philip's underwears, causing public disturbances and causing a series of slapstick chases and altercations.

Piedmont's efforts to control the circumstance and keep his dignity just plunge the set into more outrageous situations. Philip's innocent and unconcerned disposition in contrast with Piedmont's growing disappointment and embarrassment supplies the backbone of the humor. Their dynamic expects the 'thin male, fat guy' routine that Laurel and Hardy would best in later movies.

Efforts to 'Americanize' Philip
Determined to put an end to the spectacle, Piedmont eventually encourages Philip to use pants, however this results in an unexpected twist. Philip's freshly acquired trousers are far too tight, causing him pain and an oddly funny gait. His shenanigans and the resulting turmoil continue to intensify, culminating in an uproarious climax that includes a vibrant chase series that showcases both Laurel and Hardy's physical funny abilities.

Cultural Impact and Legacy
"Putting Pants on Philip" is historically considerable as it solidified Laurel and Hardy as a team, leading to their stardom in subsequent features. The film's humor is not just originated from visual gags and situational comedy however likewise from its sharp commentary on the absurdities of societal norms and the humorous capacity in defying them.

The film shows the early chemistry between Laurel and Hardy that would pertain to define their profession as one of the most cherished comic duos. Their contrasting personalities and physical looks provided a visual joke in itself, and their interaction set the template for their future routines and situational funny.

In conclusion, "Putting Pants on Philip" stays a crucial operate in the annals of early movie theater and comical history. The film functions as an outstanding intro to Laurel and Hardy's comic design and showcases their possible as a duo. Its enduring appeal depends on the ageless humor that emerges when cultures collide, and conventions are overthrown. While rooted in the 1920s, the styles of conformity and uniqueness checked out within the movie continue to resonate, making "Putting Pants on Philip" a timeless piece of quiet movie theater comedy.

Top Cast

  • Stan Laurel (small)
    Stan Laurel
  • Oliver Hardy (small)
    Oliver Hardy
    J. Piedmont Mumblethunder
  • Chester A. Bachman (small)
    Chester A. Bachman
  • Don Bailey
  • Sam Lufkin
    Ship's Doctor
  • Chet Brandenburg (small)
    Chet Brandenburg
  • Ed Brandenburg
    Bus Conductor
  • Harvey Clark (small)
    Harvey Clark
  • Dorothy Coburn
    Girl Chased by Philip
  • Alfred Fisher
  • Jack Hill