Salvation! (1987)

Salvation! Poster

A troubled young woman hooks up with a money-crazed televangelist and becomes a rich, heavy-metal Christian rock star.

Film Overview
"Salvation!" is a satirical black comedy movie from 1987, directed by Beth B, co-written by Tom Robinson, and stars Viggo Mortensen, Exene Cervenka, and Stephen McHattie. The film is an entertaining yet thought-provoking review of media adjustment and the weird fascinations discovered in pop culture, particularly focused on religious evangelism and televangelism.

Plot Summary
The movie centers on a greedy, ambitious, and charming Reverend Edward Randall, portrayed remarkably by Stephen McHattie. He leads a spiritual community and a successful televised evangelical program, using his power and impact frequently for personal gain and control. The reverend's extreme worship doesn't match his individual life, as he displays habits of deceit, manipulation, and sexual exploitation, especially towards susceptible females.

Viggo Mortensen plays Jeremiah, a mechanic who, despite his low social status, is portrayed as an easy, truthful, and kind-hearted man. Jeremiah's wife, Rhonda, played by Exene Cervenka, falls under Reverend Edward's spell and becomes mentally and sexually knotted with him, efficiently drawing Jeremiah into a desperate battle.

Main Themes
Throughout the movie, "Salvation!" checks out different themes, mainly concentrating on the concept of fanaticism, the exploitation of faith, personal ambition, and how the media can be utilized to control and control. It satirically showcases the lots of hypocrisies faced by televangelists who twist religious beliefs for their functions, greed, and the satisfaction of desire.

Jeremiah's resist the reverend symbolizes the predicament of the average person against powerful, corrupt entities. It is a traditional underdog tale, in which the less effective party fights against the overbearing forces for justice, love, and reality.

Performances and Reception
Stephen McHattie takes the show with his unbelievable performance as Reverend Edward, displaying a range of feelings from charming charisma to enormous intimidation. The improvement of his character from a revered figure to a manipulative bad guy is really fascinating.

Viggo Mortensen and Exene Cervenka deliver powerful performances also. Mortensen's representation of Jeremiah effectively records his character's bravery, determination, and strength in the middle of dealing with challenges. Cervenka, on the other hand, perfectly displays the conflict felt by Rhonda, being torn in between her spouse and the manipulative reverend.

"Salvation!" received a mixed response upon its release. While some applauded the film for its strong and satirical critique of televangelism, others felt it was too stereotyped. Nevertheless, the efficiencies, particularly that of McHattie, were evenly praised.

"Salvation!" is an engaging drama that uses sharp satire to check out the role of media and power in controling faiths. The movie provides a review of modern society's fixation with sensationalism, showcasing the power characteristics in televangelism, and how the susceptible are often made use of. With strong efficiencies and thought-provoking styles, "Salvation!" remains a substantial piece in analyzing the dark side of media control and spiritual fanaticism.

Top Cast

  • Stephen McHattie (small)
    Stephen McHattie
    Revered Edward Randall
  • Dominique Davalos (small)
    Dominique Davalos
    Lenore Finley
  • Exene Cervenka (small)
    Exene Cervenka
    Rhonda Stample
  • Viggo Mortensen (small)
    Viggo Mortensen
    Jerome Stample
  • Rockets Redglare (small)
    Rockets Redglare
  • Billy Bastiani
  • Donald Bialer
    Factory Worker
  • Tom Robinson
    Factory Worker
  • Josh Steinberg
    Factory Worker
  • Pamela Woodbridge
    Factory Worker
  • Peter Bavaro