Savage Weekend (1979)

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Several couples head upstate to the country to watch a boat being built. Unfortunately they are stalked by a murderer behind a ghoulish mask.

Film Background
"Savage Weekend" is a 1979 American slasher movie directed by David Paulsen and released by Cannon Films. The film's cast includes Christopher Allport, James Doerr, Marilyn Hamlin, Caitlin O'Heaney, and David Gale to name a few. This suspense-filled scary film is frequently referred to as pre-dating the slasher films that would end up being exceptionally popular in the early 80s.

Plot Summary
The film focuses on the story of five city slickers who plan to have a peaceful and fun-filled weekend far from the city tumult. The ensemble heads to a remote farmland in Upstate New York to prepare a sailboat for the upcoming racing season. The group consists of Marie (Marilyn Hamlin), her partner Robert (Jim Doerr), her ex-husband Greg (Christopher Allport), Robert's gay friend Nicky (Caitlin O'Heaney), and their good friend Jay Alsop (Devin Goldenberg).

Once they journey into the rural place, they experience hostility from a regional group of homophobic people and a deeply pious, masked killer; signaling underlying tones of sexual bigotry and classism. The strange, burlap-masked killer terrorizes them one by one in the remote countryside setting.

Secret Scenes and Themes
Intense sequences permeate the movie, developing a cooling atmosphere that keeps audiences on edge. Violent symbolic murders connect with the styles of bigotry, as the slasher targets the more liberal and sexually varied weekenders. And though the movie typically reflects the counter-culture clash of the late 70s, the real inspirations of the killer remain shrouded in mystery throughout the film, adding another layer to the suspense.

Important Reception
"Savage Weekend" is a cult timeless within the category, renowned for its gritty realism, extreme violence, and suspenseful environment. Though it didn't make a substantial effect when premiered, it developed a credibility overtime and is thought about a leader of the '80s slasher period. The character development and storytelling have actually been applauded for bringing depth to the scary genre. Nevertheless, critics felt that it lacks the improvement and sophistication seen in mainstream scary motion pictures.

On the other hand, some critics argue that the movie's sexual politics have not aged well, talking about the obvious homophobia and misogyny represented. Nonetheless, "Savage Weekend" is often credited for its suspense, innovative murder series, and its general representation of the clash in between metropolitan and rural cultures.

In summary, "Savage Weekend" is an intriguing horror-slasher movie blending suspense with social commentaries and graphic violence. While not groundbreaking, the film's subject and execution prime it as a predecessor to the slasher flicks popularity in the following years. Its gritty portrayal of class disputes, sexual bias, and chaos in a rural setting has actually developed it as one of the unique cult classics of the period.

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