The Need to Grow (2019)

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With only sixty years of farmable soil left on Earth, and the increased threats of climate change, the need to rethink how we use earth’s natural resources has never been more important. The Need to Grow takes an intimate look into the hearts of activists and innovators in the food movement who are redesigning our future; an eight-year-old girl who challenges the ethics of a beloved organisation, a renegade farmer struggling to keep his land as he revolutionises resource-efficient agriculture, and an accomplished visionary inventor facing catastrophe in the midst of developing a game changing technology.

The Need to Grow: Film Overview
"The Need to Grow" is a compelling 2019 documentary that checks out the immediate issue of our planet's reducing farmlands and the requirement to embrace sustainable agricultural practices. Directed by Rob Herring and Ryan Wirick, this movie follows 3 individuals-- an 8-year-old lady, a renegade farmer, and a private financier, who are all on a mission to save the world's soil.

The documentary educates the audiences about the alarming ecological situation and raises awareness of the immediate requirement for an extreme shift in our food systems. It provides an enlightening and enthusiastic point of view that we can recover our harmed communities through innovation and regenerative farming methods.

The Plight of our Farm Lands
The movie begins by clarifying the alarming rate at which the earth's soil is degrading. It explains that over one-third of our world's topsoil is already deteriorated, with the hazard of total fatigue in the next 60 years should the existing rate continue. As soil is the chief medium for food production, its quick disintegration presents a serious danger to our future food security.

Exploring Potential Solutions
The documentary presents us to a brand-new innovation called AD (Anaerobic Digester), developed by environmental entrepreneur Michael Smith. It breaks down organic material, creating two key spin-offs: nutrient-rich water for crops and energy, in the kind of methane, which can power whole cities. Therefore, AD not only represents a significant tool for soil regrowth but also a practical solution for renewable resource production.

Putting Theory into Practice
Additionally, "The Need to Grow" likewise represents the exceptional work done by farmer Erik Cutter, who uses a combination of regenerative farming techniques and advanced innovation to transform a small plot into a food forest, producing 100% organic and sustainable yield.

Growing Awareness and Activism
Running along with these adult narratives, the film includes Girl Scout Alyssa, an eight-year-old activist, who is figured out to make a difference. She introduces a project to remove GMOs from Girl Scout cookies, showing to the audience the significance of youth advocacy in fostering meaningful modification.

9-Point Recovery Plan
As the documentary progresses, it reveals a thought-provoking 9-point recovery plan to restore our soil's health, highlighting the potential of each person to add to this cause.

Creating Awareness and Advocacy
"The Need to Grow" delivers its message strongly, motivating viewers to participate in the movement to conserve our soils and biodiversity. It argues that embracing sustainable food practices is no longer an option but a need for our survival. If we are to ensure a future for our kids, we must act seriously and without delay towards the regeneration of the world's soil.

Conclusion: Rebirth and Regeneration
In general, "The Need to Grow" paints a picture of a threatened natural deposit but leaves audiences with the heartening message that reliable solutions are within our grasp. Drawing together real-life stories and useful services, this film is a compelling call to action, a plea for each of us to play our part in the crucial venture of bring back the world's soil health.

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