Small: When you write down your life, every page should contain something no one has ever heard about
"When you write down your life, every page should contain something no one has ever heard about"
Elias Canetti, Author
Small: The fear of burglars is not only the fear of being robbed, but also the fear of a sudden and unexpected clutch
"The fear of burglars is not only the fear of being robbed, but also the fear of a sudden and unexpected clutch out of the darkness"
Elias Canetti, Author
Small: Adults find pleasure in deceiving a child. They consider it necessary, but they also enjoy it. The children ve
"Adults find pleasure in deceiving a child. They consider it necessary, but they also enjoy it. The children very quickly figure it out and then practice deception themselves"
Elias Canetti, Author
Small: Thanking you once more, I want to wish you the best of luck for your future life and to conclude by saying to
"Thanking you once more, I want to wish you the best of luck for your future life and to conclude by saying to you: Dream your dreams and may they come true!"
Felix Bloch, Scientist
Small: Instead of explaining the sober facts of mechanics and electricity, I want to say a few words about the debt w
"Instead of explaining the sober facts of mechanics and electricity, I want to say a few words about the debt which we owe to youth; and with your permission I shall consider you as representing here not only the academic youth of Sweden nor even of Europe but also of America"
Felix Bloch, Scientist
Small: It is inevitable that many ideas of the young mind will later have to give way to the hard realities of life
"It is inevitable that many ideas of the young mind will later have to give way to the hard realities of life"
Felix Bloch, Scientist
Small: I am sure my fellow-scientists will agree with me if I say that whatever we were able to achieve in our later
"I am sure my fellow-scientists will agree with me if I say that whatever we were able to achieve in our later years had its origin in the experiences of our youth and in the hopes and wishes which were formed before and during our time as students"
Felix Bloch, Scientist
Small: But these realities will make themselves felt soon enough and while I am certainly not asking you to close you
"But these realities will make themselves felt soon enough and while I am certainly not asking you to close your eyes to the experiences of earlier generations, I want to advise you not to conform too soon and to resist the pressure of practical necessity"
Felix Bloch, Scientist
Small: It seems that this situation is not restricted to science but is more generally human
"It seems that this situation is not restricted to science but is more generally human"
Felix Bloch, Scientist
Small: Second, we also got a more authentic liturgy of the people of God, in the vernacular language
"Second, we also got a more authentic liturgy of the people of God, in the vernacular language"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: Beauty is as relative as light and dark. Thus, there exists no beautiful woman, none at all, because you are n
"Beauty is as relative as light and dark. Thus, there exists no beautiful woman, none at all, because you are never certain that a still far more beautiful woman will not appear and completely shame the supposed beauty of the first"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: A line is a dot that went for a walk
"A line is a dot that went for a walk"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: However, if the religions in essence merely repeat statements from the United Nations Human Rights Declaration
"However, if the religions in essence merely repeat statements from the United Nations Human Rights Declaration, such a Declaration becomes superfluous; an ethic is more than rights"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: One eye sees, the other feels
"One eye sees, the other feels"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: Nature is garrulous to the point of confusion, let the artist be truly taciturn
"Nature is garrulous to the point of confusion, let the artist be truly taciturn"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller
"A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: Its precisely the disappointing stories, which have no proper ending and therefore no proper meaning, that sou
"It's precisely the disappointing stories, which have no proper ending and therefore no proper meaning, that sound true to life"
Max Frisch, Novelist
Small: Dignity: the doomed mans final refuge
"Dignity: the doomed man's final refuge"
Max Frisch, Novelist
Small: A man with convictions finds an answer for everything. Convictions are the best form of protection against the
"A man with convictions finds an answer for everything. Convictions are the best form of protection against the living truth"
Max Frisch, Novelist
Small: That means that every human being - without distinction of sex, age, race, skin color, language, religion, pol
"That means that every human being - without distinction of sex, age, race, skin color, language, religion, political view, or national or social origin - possesses an inalienable and untouchable dignity"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: I remember the Curia said, thats up to the American bishops, not up to Rome
"I remember the Curia said, that's up to the American bishops, not up to Rome"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: Religion often is misused for purely power-political goals, including war
"Religion often is misused for purely power-political goals, including war"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: And a third thing is the understanding of the Church as a community, a communion which is just a hierarchy but
"And a third thing is the understanding of the Church as a community, a communion which is just a hierarchy but the people of God, whose servants are the priests and bishops"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: The painter should not paint what he sees, but what will be seen
"The painter should not paint what he sees, but what will be seen"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise
"He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: Everything vanishes around me, and works are born as if out of the void. Ripe, graphic fruits fall off.
"Everything vanishes around me, and works are born as if out of the void. Ripe, graphic fruits fall off. My hand has become the obedient instrument of a remote will"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: Children also have artistic ability, and there is wisdom in there having it! The more helpless they are, the m
"Children also have artistic ability, and there is wisdom in there having it! The more helpless they are, the more instructive are the examples they furnish us; and they must be preserved free of corruption from an early age"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: It is an absolutely unique success of the church community to have introduced such an epoch-making change, in
"It is an absolutely unique success of the church community to have introduced such an epoch-making change, in just a few years, without having a serious division"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: Humanity today possesses sufficient economic, cultural and spiritual resources to introduce a better global or
"Humanity today possesses sufficient economic, cultural and spiritual resources to introduce a better global order"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: After two world wars, the collapse of fascism, nazism, communism and colonialism and the end of the cold war,
"After two world wars, the collapse of fascism, nazism, communism and colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: A human person is infinitely precious and must be unconditionally protected
"A human person is infinitely precious and must be unconditionally protected"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: We are convinced of the fundamental unity of the human family
"We are convinced of the fundamental unity of the human family"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: We are conscious that religions cannot solve the economic, political and social problems of this earth
"We are conscious that religions cannot solve the economic, political and social problems of this earth"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: The Gospel has to be the norm
"The Gospel has to be the norm"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: The Epistle to the Romans is an extremely important synthesis of the whole theology of St. Paul
"The Epistle to the Romans is an extremely important synthesis of the whole theology of St. Paul"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: I like the catholicity in time: our tradition is one of 2,000 years
"I like the catholicity in time: our tradition is one of 2,000 years"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: All historical experience demonstrates the following: Our earth cannot be changed unless in the not too distan
"All historical experience demonstrates the following: Our earth cannot be changed unless in the not too distant future an alteration in the consciousness of individuals is achieved"
Hans Kung, Theologian
Small: When looking at any significant work of art, remember that a more significant one probably has had to be sacri
"When looking at any significant work of art, remember that a more significant one probably has had to be sacrificed"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: To emphasize only the beautiful seems to me to be like a mathematical system that only concerns itself with po
"To emphasize only the beautiful seems to me to be like a mathematical system that only concerns itself with positive numbers"
Paul Klee, Artist
Small: The worst state of affairs is when science begins to concern itself with art
"The worst state of affairs is when science begins to concern itself with art"
Paul Klee, Artist