Famous quote by Robert Reich

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We do not want to live in a theocracy. We should maintain that barrier and government has no business telling someone wh

"We do not want to live in a theocracy. We should maintain that barrier and government has no business telling someone what they ought to believe or how they should conduct their private lives"

- Robert Reich

About this Quote

This quote by Robert Reich is a call for the separation of church and state. He is advocating for a secular government, one that does not enforce religious beliefs or practices on its residents. He thinks that the government must not be in business of informing people what to believe or how to live their lives. This is a crucial idea in a democracy, as it enables civil liberty and flexibility of expression. It likewise guarantees that the government does not become too effective and oppressive. Reich is emphasizing the significance of maintaining the barrier between church and state, so that citizens can practice their faith without worry of government interference.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Robert Reich somewhere between June 24, 1946 and today. He/she was a famous Economist from USA. The author also have 19 other quotes.

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