Choose Life: A Dialogue

"Choose Life: A Dialogue" is a book released in 1976, which records a series of discussions between British historian Arnold J. Toynbee and Japanese thinker Daisaku Ikeda. These conversations took place in London throughout the duration from May 1972 to May 1974. The dialogue covers a wide range of subjects, including the role of faith in modern society, the nature of human life, and the relationship between human beings and nature.

Role of Religion in Modern Society
Ikeda and Toynbee begin their conversation by going over the role of religious beliefs in a modern, nonreligious society. They both acknowledge that faith has lost much of its influence on individuals's lives in the modern-day age, but they argue that it still plays a significant function in shaping human values and principles. Ikeda highlights the value of religious teachings in assisting individuals establish a sense of spirituality and moral assistance, while Toynbee acknowledges that religion has actually traditionally been an effective force for social cohesion and the upkeep of social order.

They also discuss the relationship between contemporary science and faith. Ikeda argues that the findings of contemporary science ought to not be seen as a hazard to religious faith, however rather as an opportunity to expand our understanding of the natural world and the nature of human life. In this context, both science and religious beliefs can supply important insights and point of views on issues such as the origin and function of life, as well as the role of human beings in the universe.

Human Life and the Purpose of Existence
A main style of the discussion is the expedition of the function of human life and the function of people in society. Ikeda and Toynbee share their views on different elements of human life, such as love, family, relationship, and work. They both concur that the purpose of life is to be discovered in self-improvement and the pursuit of happiness.

Toynbee stresses the significance of people cultivating a sense of duty and a desire to contribute to the higher great, while Ikeda stresses the role of people in assisting each other accomplish joy. They also go over the concept of life and death, with Toynbee revealing a belief in some form of life after death and Ikeda arguing that death must not be feared, however rather viewed as a chance to reflect on and appreciate the value of life.

Human beings and Nature
Another key topic in the discussion is the relationship in between people and nature. Ikeda and Toynbee share their issues about the negative impacts of human actions on the natural environment and go over the significance of embracing a more sustainable and spiritually notified approach to our interactions with nature. They recommend that this can be achieved by embracing a sense of respect and respect for the natural world and by recognizing the interdependence of all living things.

Toynbee highlights the importance of a holistic approach to resolving ecological issues, while Ikeda stresses the need for spiritual and ethical worths to assist human actions. Both settle on the value of education in promoting a sense of ecological responsibility and promoting a greater understanding of the complex relationship in between humans and nature.

Throughout their dialogue, Ikeda and Toynbee verify the significance of fostering a greater understanding of various cultures and religions, in order to promote mutual respect and tolerance. They likewise stress the significance of recognizing the interconnected nature of worldwide issues, such as hardship, war, and environmental degradation, and of interacting to deal with these issues.

"Choose Life: A Dialogue" works as a tip of the importance of participating in open dialogue and understanding across cultural and ideological boundaries, in order to cultivate a sense of global unity and shared duty for the wellness of mankind and the world.
Choose Life: A Dialogue
Original Title: 生かされていること、死にかかっていること Ikasarete iru koto, shi ni kakatte iru koto

Choose Life is a conversation between Daisaku Ikeda and historian Arnold J. Toynbee, discussing a wide range of subjects such as religion, politics, economics, ethics, and the human condition.

Author: Daisaku Ikeda

Daisaku Ikeda Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher, peace fighter, and SGI president. Discover his quotes, biography, and commitment to a global culture of peace.
More about Daisaku Ikeda