The Devil Problem: And Other True Stories

"The Devil Problem: And Other True Stories" by David Remnick is a collection of 23 essays, initially released in The Washington Post and The New Yorker. The book, released in 1996, brings together insightful and thought-provoking profiles of different personalities, consisting of cultural figures, political leaders, and artists. Through these essays, Remnick investigates elements of humankind, such as ambition, deception, and the devil within each person, which periodically uncovers a dark side. He checks out the intricacies of human nature, along with the sociopolitical contexts that form these individuals and their actions.

The Devil Problem
The book's title piece, "The Devil Problem", focuses on the life and work of Harold Bloom, a Yale professor and literary critic known for his questionable and prominent theories about literature. In this essay, Remnick goes over Bloom's theories that posit a deep-rooted stress and anxiety at the heart of every writer. Excellent authors battle with the impact and shadow of their predecessors, which they confront by striving for originality and achievement. This battle, known as the "stress and anxiety of impact", links to the concept of the "devil problem", wherein even the most fantastic people should contend with their weaknesses, insecurities, and moral problems.

Political Figures
Remnick profiles several political figures throughout the collection, exploring their characters, inspirations, and conflicts while in office. In "The Gorbachev Generation", he presents an honest account of Mikhail Gorbachev's time in power, his policies of glasnost and perestroika, and his function in dismantling the Soviet Union. Remnick explores Gorbachev's background, rise to power, and the contradictions he faced during his period. This profile acts as a valuable account of a historical duration shaped by strong personalities and fast-paced modifications.

Other political profiles in the book consist of the controversial Russian nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the complex figure of Vaclav Havel, a dissident playwright who ended up being the very first president of the Czech Republic. These portraits provide a diverse range of political figures, each grappling with immense power and influence while confronted with individual vulnerabilities and imperfections.

Cultural Figures and Artists
Throughout the book, Remnick also writes about numerous cultural figures and artists who have made an impact on society. These include the art patron and benefactor Agnes Gund, prominent novelist Don DeLillo, and commemorated playwright Tom Stoppard. These profiles look into the minds and hearts of these individuals, exploring their creative processes, sources of inspiration, artistic philosophies, and has problem with fame and success.

In his profile of Ralph Ellison, author of the timeless novel "Invisible Man", Remnick talks about the writer's long-awaited 2nd novel, which was never completed during his life time. This essay investigates Ellison's consistent struggle with expectations and the problem of accomplishment, in addition to the troubles he faced as a black intellectual in a mainly white literary world.

"The Devil Problem: And Other True Stories" is a fascinating collection of essays that uses interesting glances into the lives and personalities of individuals who have formed our world. Remnick's engaging composing style and incisive observations draw readers into these stories, leaving them with much deeper insights into the human condition and the challenges that arise in the pursuits of power, creativity, and success. This collection is not just interesting and informing but likewise functions as a testimony to the ageless appeal of in-depth, well-crafted profiles which typically illuminate our understanding of the human experience.
The Devil Problem: And Other True Stories

A collection of essays and profiles by David Remnick, focused on various personalities and their impact on the world. It includes articles on topics such as politics, literature, and sports.

Author: David Remnick

David Remnick David Remnick, featuring his early life, education & quotes. Discover his work at The Washington Post & The New Yorker.
More about David Remnick