Novellas: The Exemplary Novels

"The Exemplary Novels" is a collection of twelve novellas penned by the Spanish author, Miguel de Cervantes, understood for his work of art, "Don Quixote". Published in 1613, the collection is considered one of the founding works of modern European literature. The stories, composed in different styles and genres, are mainly meant to amuse readers but also to provide ethical lessons. Each story presents complex characters, engaging plots and offers insight into the social and cultural aspects of the time.

The Little Gipsy Girl
La Gitanilla, or "The Little Gipsy Girl", follows the story of Preciosa, a beautiful and skilled gypsy lady who has an enchanting voice and extraordinary poetic presents. She attracts the attention and admiration of many people, including a young aristocrat named Don Juan. Seeking to woo her, Don Juan disguises himself as a gypsy and joins her clan. Preciosa agrees to marry him if he remains disguised for two years. Nevertheless, when her true nobility is revealed, they go back to their high-class lives and marry as nobles.

The Jealous Extremaduran
This story revolves around the lives of Carrizales, an elderly retired soldier, and his young better half, Leonora. Carrizales ends up being fanatically jealous and controlling, keeping Leonora locked away in their home. Despite his efforts, Leonora fulfills a boy called Loaysa, who manages to enter their house in disguise. Loaysa and Leonora strategy to escape together but are found by Carrizales. Carrizales eventually recognizes his possessiveness has caused his own anguish, and the story ends in forgiveness and self-discovery.

The Illustrious Scullery Maid
"The Illustrious Scullery Maid" is a story of mistaken identity and love. A young nobleman, Tomás, falls in love with a lady named Constanza, whom he thinks to be a scullery house maid. The 2 of them plan to escape together, however throughout their escape, they discover that Constanza is, in truth, a sent to prison noblewoman. Tomás and Constanza wed, and the story highlights the significance of character and virtue over social status.

The Force of Blood
This awful story follows a girl named Leocadia, who is abducted and raped by a nobleman called Rodolfo. Leocadia later on gives birth to a boy, who is raised by her kidnapper's family. Ultimately, the truth is revealed, and Rodolfo takes responsibility for his actions. He weds Leocadia, and the two are reconciled. This narrative deals with styles of social injustice, empathy, and the power of love.

The Two Damsels
"The Two Damsels" tells the story of 2 sis, Isabel and Félix, who disguise themselves as young men to look for experience and leave their dull lives. The story unfolds as they both fall in love throughout their escapades. Félix's love interest ends up being her husband, who had actually abandoned her earlier, and Isabel falls for a guy named Lisardo. The story concludes with their real identities being revealed, ultimately causing reconciliations and happy marriages.

The Dialogue of the Dogs
In this special novella, 2 pet dogs, Scipio and Berganza, are suddenly gifted with the capability to speak. They share their life stories, reflecting on human society and commenting on the absurdity and corruption of the human world. The story works as a satirical critique of society and human behavior.

Through these six stories from "The Exemplary Novels", Cervantes handles to mix humor, disaster, romance, and experience while offering thought-provoking and timeless moral lessons. The engaging narratives and highly drawn characters have withstood the centuries, marking "The Exemplary Novels" as a work of art of Western literature, reflecting the luster of Cervantes in storytelling and his eager insight into the human condition.
The Exemplary Novels
Original Title: Novelas ejemplares

A collection of 12 novellas, covering various themes and styles, including romance, satire, and allegory. Each novella is a stand-alone work, but they all share Cervantes' characteristic wit, humor, and skillful storytelling.

Author: Miguel de Cervantes

Miguel de Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes' life & awe-inspiring works like Don Quixote in the world of Spanish literature. Delve into his biography, quotes & lasting impact.
More about Miguel de Cervantes