Play: The Group

"The Group" is a play written in 1775 by Mercy Otis Warren, an American playwright, poet, and author of prose who got prominence as a supporter for the American Revolution. The play is a political satire that buffoons the Loyalists (those who chose to remain devoted to the British monarchy throughout the American Revolution) and their supporters, consisting of Governor Thomas Hutchinson and other British officials. This play is among the earliest plays written by a female in the American nests and functions as an important work in the history of American literature.

Setting and Characters
"The Group" is set in pre-Revolutionary War Boston, Massachusetts, in 1775, where several characters, including Leadingas Cankerworm (a representation of Governor Hutchinson), Coloness Jilt (a personification of Lady Sidney Wentworth, a wealthy Loyalist supporter), and other symbolic characters, such as Monarchicum Dimcote, Obsequia, and Honoria Proper, participate in different schemes and intrigues for their personal interests.

The play depicts the arrogance, greed, and corruption of the Loyalists, whose actions have actually driven the American colonies into a state of rebellion. The discussions among the characters expose the hypocrisy and disingenuousness of their words and actions, providing a satirical portrayal of the events leading up to the American Revolution.

Plot and Themes
The play starts with Leadingas Cankerworm and Coloness Jilt discussing the political situation of the nests. Cankerworm grumbles about the defiant mindsets of the colonists, while Jilt motivates him to enforce authority on the unruly topics. Meanwhile, Monarchicum Dimcote, Honoria Proper, and Obsequia hold a secret conference to discuss their commitment to the British and their plans to begin a spy objective in the middle of the continuous dispute.

However, their disloyalty is evident as Dimcote seeks to gain favor with the Governor and other authorities by betraying his fellow colonists, while Obsequia is more interested in her social standing instead of the welfare of the nests. On The Other Hand, Honoria Proper, being the only character with an authentic concern for the nests' well-being, attempts to remedy the errors and frauds promoted by her deceiving buddies.

As the play advances, Cankerworm chooses to employ two counterfeiters, Squire Heavy Scruntch and Dr. Malcontro to fabricate banknotes that would mess up the Americans' rebellion efforts by devaluing their currency. Through these actions, the play emphasizes the Loyalists' corrupt nature and their intent to undermine the American Revolution through deceitful means.

On the other hand, the play's more virtuous characters such as Lady Quidnunc (representing a true American patriot), work to promote liberty for the American individuals, pursuing independence from British injustice. The contrast in between the manipulative Loyalists and the patriotic American characters serves to unmask the true motives and aspirations of the opposition.

Significance and Legacy
"The Group" stands as an important work in early American literature, particularly in regards to its political and social commentary on the events leading up to the American Revolution. Grace Otis Warren, as a female playwright in a male-dominated world, was able to provide a distinct perspective on the social and political climate of her time. Through her lampooning of key figures and her review of Loyalist ideology, she had the ability to simultaneously amuse and notify her audience.

Her satirical take on the Loyalist point of view likewise played an important function in forming the American public's viewpoint of the Revolution and its necessary defend self-reliance. In a time when the American fight for liberty was still contentious, Warren's play provided a powerful argument for the rebellion and exposed the corruption and greed of the transformation's opposition.

By creating an artwork that was both amusing and politically informative, Mercy Otis Warren showed the power of literature and satire to influence public discourse. Today, "The Group" continues to provide readers with a remarkable historical photo of the pre-Revolution era and the political arguments that formed the course of American history.
The Group

A satire that exposed the hypocrisy of Loyalist opposition to American independence, and captured the tensions between Patriots and Loyalists on the brink of the American Revolution

Author: Mercy Otis Warren

Mercy Otis Warren Mercy Otis Warren - a trailblazing advocate for education & womens rights whose biography offers insight into Colonial America.
More about Mercy Otis Warren