Poems: Two Loves

"Two Loves" is a poem composed in 1896 by Lord Alfred Douglas, an English poet, and translator understood for his tumultuous relationship with renowned playwright Oscar Wilde. The poem is typically connected with the trials of Wilde, where it was used as proof of the homosexual material of his works, causing his jail time on charges of "gross indecency". "Two Loves" is an expedition of the dispute in between standard, socially accepted love and a love that was thought about unethical and prohibited throughout the Victorian age.

Summary of 'Two Loves'
The poem begins with the speaker describing a late evening next to a stream, perfectly setting the scene for a romantic encounter. The speaker proceeds to express their sensations of disillusionment and solitude, specifying that they are "tired" of the world and seeking solace in the appeal of nature.

As the speaker continues to lament their feelings of isolation, they are interrupted by the unexpected appearance of two male figures: one is a young man who is innocent and angelic in look, while the other is a Pan-like creature that appears to embody lust and Satan's kind. These figures represent the two contrasting forms of love that the poem explores: the conventional, virtuous love between a man and a female (the angelic figure), and the illegal, prohibited love between two males (the Pan-like animal).

The speaker, captivated by the beautiful look of the angelic figure, swoons and is nestled in this character's arms. There, they dream of a passionate yet chaste and tender love affair, one that remains totally innocent and pure. Upon waking up, the speaker recognizes that their time with the angelic figure has ended, and they are once again alone in the garden.

The Pan-like animal then steps forward and whispers seductive words to the speaker, prompting them to accept their desires and sensations of passion for the very same sex. Although the speaker initially resists the temptation, they eventually succumb to this darker form of love, acknowledging it as a prohibited however effective force that they can not leave.

The poem concludes with the speaker declaring that they are now a servant of both enjoys, torn in between the tender and chaste love offered by the angelic figure and the wicked, enthusiastic love embodied by the Pan-like creature. They recognize that they are trapped in between these two conflicting kinds of love, metaphorically confessing that they have ended up being a "lover of both" and a "servant to each".

Analysis of 'Two Loves'
"Two Loves" is a deeply personal exploration of the inner conflict experienced by people like Douglas, who struggled to browse their desires within a society that roughly limited and condemned any variance from heteronormativity. The poem highlights the uncomfortable sense of seclusion and internal torment felt by lots of during the Victorian age, who were forced to reduce their real sensations and desires in order to comply with societal expectations.

Making use of striking images and importance throughout the poem stresses the stark contrasts between the 2 kinds of love. The angelic boy signifies the appropriate kind of love that the speaker initially experiences, one that is rooted in innocence and virtue. On the other hand, the Pan-like creature represents the darker, more dangerous kind of love, one that attract the base impulses and enthusiasms however is thought about forbidden and unethical.

By putting the speaker at the mercy of both likes, Douglas offers a poignant illustration of the struggle dealt with by those who were faced with their own conflicting desires and emotions. The poem ultimately works as a powerful reflection on the complexities of love, the restrictions imposed by societal norms, and the withstanding battle for acceptance and understanding of diverse kinds of love and human relationships within the Victorian age.

Lord Alfred Douglas' "Two Loves" is a deeply evocative and intimate expedition of love, desire, and the unpleasant repercussions of social expectations during the Victorian era. The poem stays a vital piece of literature, not only for clarifying the life of Douglas and Oscar Wilde but also for offering a heartfelt representation of the human struggle for acceptance, understanding, and self-discovery.
Two Loves

A poem written by Lord Alfred Douglas depicting the conflict with the societal values of the Victorian era.

Author: Lord Alfred Douglas

Lord Alfred Douglas Lord Alfred Douglas, passionate poet & Oscar Wildes lover. Discover his early life, family, literary career & famous quotes.
More about Lord Alfred Douglas