Album: Connick on Piano, Volume 2: Occasion

" Connick on Piano, Volume 2: Occasion" is the 22nd studio album by American vocalist, pianist, and author Harry Connick Jr., released in 2005. This album is the 2nd in a series of piano-centric recordings and serves as a follow-up to his 2003 release, "Connick on Piano, Volume 1: Other Hours". "Occasion" features a collection of live, intimate duets in between Connick and saxophonist Branford Marsalis, who is also the creative director of the Branford Marsalis Music label where the album was launched. As an outcome, this instrumental album showcases the musicians' deep relationship, sociability, and musical virtuosity.

Background and Creation
The partnership between Harry Connick Jr. and Branford Marsalis began in 1990, when the 2 artists fulfilled throughout the recording of the soundtrack for the film "When Harry Met Sally". Over the years, both artists have actually cemented their musical partnership appearing on each other's albums and sharing stages throughout live performances. The idea for "Occasion" came together when the two artists were checking out brand-new techniques to their instruments for an approaching tour.

" Occasion" was tape-recorded throughout a single afternoon at the house of Branford Marsalis in Durham, North Carolina. With Connick on piano and Marsalis on saxophone, the artists started exploring their musical chemistry without any established objective for the session. The album was recorded live, with few edits and overdubs, catching the raw energy and interplay in between the 2 artists.

Track Listing and Composition
" Connick on Piano, Volume 2: Occasion" functions eleven tracks, all of which are original structures by Harry Connick Jr., other than for "Steve Lacy", a jazz requirement written by Thelonious Monk. The track listing consists of:

1. Brown World
2. Valentine's Day
3. Celebration
4. Area
5. I Like Love More
6. All Things
7. Win
8. Virgoid
9. Remember the Tarpon
10. Lose
11. Steve Lacy

The compositions on "Occasion" range from bluesy and emotional to soft and romantic, showing the extensive musical talents of both Connick and Marsalis. The tracks allow both artists to showcase their technical skills, as they weave complex tunes and consistencies, speaking through their instruments.

Crucial Reception and Legacy
"Occasion" was met with favorable reviews from both fans and critics alike. Jazz critics praised the album for its intimacy and the palpable chemistry in between Connick and Marsalis, in addition to the duo's ability to balance improvisation with well-crafted structures. As a result, "Occasion" was chosen for a Grammy Award for Best Jazz Instrumental Album in 2006.

The album likewise added to the growing tradition of both musicians. Harry Connick Jr. had actually cultivated a track record as a talented piano player, vocalist, and author, skilled at combining his love for jazz and the great American songbook with components of funk, pop, and New Orleans-inspired music. On the other hand, Branford Marsalis, an accomplished saxophonist and well-respected bandleader, continued to press the boundaries of contemporary jazz. Together, "Occasion" serves as a testimony to their long-lasting musical collaboration.

In conclusion, the release of Harry Connick Jr.'s "Connick on Piano, Volume 2: Occasion" in 2005 stands as a significant minute in modern jazz history. The album represents a partnership between two of the most accomplished musicians in modern jazz and showcases their deep friendship, mutual regard, and creative development.

Artist: Harry Connick, Jr.

musician & actor Harry Connick Jr., featuring his biography, quotes, and achievements. Discover his journey from jazz prodigy to stardom.
More about Harry Connick, Jr.

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