Album: Thou Shalt Not (2001 Broadway Cast Recording)

" Thou Shalt Not" is a Broadway musical with music and lyrics by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning artist, Harry Connick Jr. Made up in 2002, the musical is an adjustment of Émile Zola's classic 1867 unique "Thérèse Raquin". The initial production of Thou Shalt Not premiered on Broadway in 2001, with Susan Stroman as the director and choreographer, and the cast recording was launched in 2002. The album features performances by Kate Levering, Norbert Leo Butz, Debra Monk, Leo Burmester, and other gifted Broadway stars. The musical checks out styles of morality, sin, and redemption and includes a mix of jazz, blues, and 1940s swing music.

Set in post-World War II New Orleans, "Thou Shalt Not" revolves around the story of Thérèse Larroquette, a young woman trapped in an unfulfilled and loveless marriage to her very first cousin, Camille. Thérèse is introduced to Laurent LeClaire, a passionate jazz artist, and they start a troubled love affair. Quickly, Thérèse and Laurent conspire to kill Camille to release themselves from the problem of regret and discover joy together. Nevertheless, the murder of Camille results in overwhelming regret, haunting memories, and unanticipated effects that ultimately lead to the tragic downfall of Thérèse and Laurent.

Album Highlights
The "Thou Shalt Not" album consists of 22 tracks that showcase the distinct musical design of Harry Connick Jr., mixing traditional Broadway tunes with jazz and blues. A few of the standout tunes on the album are:

1. "It's Good to Be Home"-- This upbeat, opening number introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the story that unfolds. Camille sings about returning to New Orleans and how fantastic it is to be back house.

2. "My Little World"-- Thérèse, trapped in her loveless marriage, sings about the little and suffocating world she experiences, using a glance into the emotional chaos that will ultimately lead her to commit a horrible criminal activity.

3. "I Like Love More"-- A duet performed by Thérèse and Laurent, this tune showcases their intense destination and passion for one another.

4. "The Other Hours"-- A lovely ballad sung by Laurent, revealing his feelings of yearning and desire for Thérèse.

5. "All Things"-- Thérèse's emotional battle with her regret over Camille's murder is expressed through this effective and haunting song.

6. "Take Her to the Mardi Gras"-- A dynamic and colorful tune, representing the joyful environment of New Orleans as the characters get ready for the Mardi Gras event.

Important Reception
Upon its release, the "Thou Shalt Not" album got mixed evaluations from critics. While the distinct jazz, blues, and swing music that Connick brought to his first Broadway score was applauded, some critics felt that the tunes did not have cohesion and didn't totally catch the dark essence and emotional chaos of the characters. However, many fans of Harry Connick Jr. appreciated his capability to mix his musical impacts in a Broadway setting.

The Broadway production of Thou Shalt Not was short-term, closing after just 85 efficiencies. However, the cast album has actually discovered an enduring fan base among fans of Harry Connick Jr., as well as those who appreciate the blending of jazz, blues, and swing into the Broadway musical category. Overall, the "Thou Shalt Not" album uses a compelling and distinct listening experience that showcases the musical talent and adaptability of Harry Connick Jr

Artist: Harry Connick, Jr.

musician & actor Harry Connick Jr., featuring his biography, quotes, and achievements. Discover his journey from jazz prodigy to stardom.
More about Harry Connick, Jr.

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