Facts about Rosie Perez

BornSeptember 6, 1964
Age60 years


Rosie Perez is a famous Actress from USA, she is 60 years old and still alive, born September 6, 1964.

She is born under the zodiac virgo, who is known for Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful. Our collection contains 5 quotes who is written / told by Rosie.

5 Famous quotes by Rosie Perez

Small: Certain people who care about me a lot have said You dont play the game, and if you dont play the game,
"Certain people who care about me a lot have said 'You don't play the game, and if you don't play the game, you don't get picked for the team all the time"
Small: As an actor, you may do things that arent politically correct. Unless youre an actor who only does thin
"As an actor, you may do things that aren't politically correct. Unless you're an actor who only does things for political reasons. I believe if we don't do the good, bad, and the ugly, we're not going to progress"
Small: In movies, you shoot out of sequence, so the issue of reality is really taken out of it
"In movies, you shoot out of sequence, so the issue of reality is really taken out of it"
Small: As far as a Latin explosion, Im sorry, Im the only Latino whos going to say it, but there is no Latin e
"As far as a Latin explosion, I'm sorry, I'm the only Latino who's going to say it, but there is no Latin explosion. I'm sorry. Four or five top box office people do not make it an explosion, and it's disgusting to me that people will perceive it that way"
Small: In my circle of friends, Ive always been loud and funny and talkative. But as soon as I step out of tha
"In my circle of friends, I've always been loud and funny and talkative. But as soon as I step out of that circle, I get very quiet and introspective. I don't want the spotlight on me"