The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them

"The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them" is a 2004 book by journalist Amy Goodman, who is the host of Democracy Now!, a progressive news program. The book is a collection of investigative reporting and vital analysis of corporate-controlled media, corporate power, and the impact of wealthy elites on political decision-making. In her introduction, Goodman claims that mainstream media reporters have become "stenographers to power", just reporting on federal government and corporate stories without questioning or validating their accuracy. Goodman's goal with the book is to expose the complacency and complicity of big media and business interests in offering war, environmental destruction, and human rights abuses to the American public.

The Role of Media in Politics
Throughout the book, Goodman slams the traditional media's lack of investigative journalism and the impact of business and government interests on the info provided to the general public. She argues that the function of journalists need to be to work as a check on power, holding the federal government, corporations, and other powerful elites responsible for their actions.

Goodman mentions various instances in which mainstream media outlets have failed to provide precise information or balanced protection to the general public, including the events of September 11, 2001, the Iraq War, and the Bush administration's domestic surveillance program. She also highlights a repeating pattern in which media outlets parrot federal government and corporate talking points without validating their precision or providing context for understanding the concerns at hand.

Oil, Power, and Wars
"The Exception to the Rulers" highlights the significance of oil in shaping American foreign policy and decision-making. Goodman explains that both previous President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney had enduring ties to the oil market, including stakes in oil business and familial connections to the Saudis.

Goodman also uses a thorough look at the Iraq War, arguing that the Bush administration misled the American public and the world about the reasons for the invasion, utilizing weapons of mass destruction as a smokescreen to hide the real goal of managing Iraq's vast oil reserves. She points out that both traditional media and politicians failed to question the accuracy of the administration's claims, rather promoting pro-war narratives and jingoism to eagerly rally the American public into supporting the intrusion.

Corporate Profiteering and Human Rights Abuses
In addition to the Iraq War, Goodman checks out other circumstances of corporate impropriety and the complicity of federal government and media in hiding their actions. She highlights the case of Chevron in Nigeria, where the oil company was complicit in the deadly repression of native anti-oil activists. She likewise talks about the United Fruit Company's (now Chiquita Brands International) history of making use of Central American nations for their farming resources, leading to economic and environmental disasters in the area.

Additionally, Goodman addresses the privatization of services in the United States, consisting of the for-profit prison market, which adds to mass incarceration and systemic racism. She also goes over efforts to privatize education, health care, and other civil services, arguing that these efforts not just lead to insufficient service provision however likewise methodically disenfranchise and economically oppress marginalized neighborhoods.

Conclusion: The Power of Independent Media and Citizen Activism
Eventually, "The Exception to the Rulers" serves as a call to action for American residents to turn down corporate-controlled media, look for alternative sources of details, and participate in civic activism to challenge the status quo. Goodman stresses the need for independent, non-corporate, and totally transparent media to act as a counterweight to the distortions and manipulations of mainstream outlets. By encouraging individuals to question the narratives presented to them and promote openness, responsibility, and democratic decision-making, Goodman imagines a more simply, equitable, and notified society.
The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them

This book exposes the lies, corruption, and crimes of the power elite--an elite that is bolstered by large media conglomerates who obscure the truth.

Author: Amy Goodman

Amy Goodman Amy Goodman, known for her fearless reporting on social justice and human rights. Explore her biography and inspiring quotes.
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