Facts about Roy Harper

BornJune 12, 1941
Age83 years


Roy Harper is a famous Musician from England, he/she is 83 years old and still alive, born June 12, 1941.

He/she is born under the zodiac gemini, who is known for Communication, Indecision, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Changeable. Our collection contains 3 quotes who is written / told by Roy.

3 Famous quotes by Roy Harper

Small: Im inspired by the poets, so Im always going to give in that direction, rather than in any other. Its t
"I'm inspired by the poets, so I'm always going to give in that direction, rather than in any other. It's the making of me... and also the downfall of me"
Small: Id just like to prove to myself that Im all here and all together and can get the best out of myself.
"I'd just like to prove to myself that I'm all here and all together and can get the best out of myself. I'd also like to prove that to a couple of other people"
Small: Remember, this was a world that was still ethnically separated. I was thirteen and ignorant of the soci
"Remember, this was a world that was still ethnically separated. I was thirteen and ignorant of the social situation in America, but I felt these records were better than what my own culture was turning out"