"I fell in love, not deep, but I fell several times and then fell out"
"I am an idealist. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way"
"A politician should have three hats. One for throwing into the ring, one for talking through, and one for pulling rabbits out of if elected"
"We had two grand antique professors who had been teaching at Lombard since before I was born"
"There are 10 men in me and I do not know or understand one of them"
"Ordering a man to write a poem is like commanding a pregnant woman to give birth to a red-headed child"
"I wrote poems in my corner of the Brooks Street station. I sent them to two editors who rejected them right off. I read those letters of rejection years later and I agreed with those editors"
"I have become infected, now that I see how beautifully a book is coming out of all this"
"I doubt if you can have a truly wild party without liquor"