Facts about Donald Stewart Cherry

BornFebruary 5, 1934
Age91 years


Donald Stewart Cherry is a famous Journalist from Canada, he/she is 91 years old and still alive, born February 5, 1934.

He/she is born under the zodiac aquarius, who is known for Knowledge, Humanitarian, Serious, Insightful, Duplicitous. Our collection contains 3 quotes who is written / told by Donald.

3 Famous quotes by Donald Stewart Cherry

Small: The greatest hockey player who ever lived: Bobby Orr, and I love him
"The greatest hockey player who ever lived: Bobby Orr, and I love him"
Small: Anybody who says they dont like fighting in the NHL have to be out of their minds
"Anybody who says they don't like fighting in the NHL have to be out of their minds"
Small: I think Im a good Canadian, but Im not the greatest Canadian
"I think I'm a good Canadian, but I'm not the greatest Canadian"