Facts about Emma Bull

BornDecember 13, 1954
Age70 years


Emma Bull is a famous Writer from USA, he/she is 70 years old and still alive, born December 13, 1954.

He/she is born under the zodiac sagittarius, who is known for Philosophical, Motion, Experimentation, Optimism. Our collection contains 2 quotes who is written / told by Emma.

2 Famous quotes by Emma Bull

Small: They dont know how the world is shaped. And so they give it a shape, and try to make everything fit it.
"They don't know how the world is shaped. And so they give it a shape, and try to make everything fit it. They separate the right from the left, the man from the woman, the plant from the animal, the sun from the moon. They only want to count to two"
Small: Coincidence is the word we use when we cant see the levers and pulleys
"Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys"