Facts about Paul O'Neill

BornDecember 4, 1935
Age89 years


Paul O'Neill is a famous Politician from USA, he/she is 89 years old and still alive, born December 4, 1935.

He/she is born under the zodiac sagittarius, who is known for Philosophical, Motion, Experimentation, Optimism. Our collection contains 5 quotes who is written / told by Paul.

5 Famous quotes by Paul O'Neill

Small: This meeting was like many of the meetings that I would go to over the course of two years. The only wa
"This meeting was like many of the meetings that I would go to over the course of two years. The only way I can describe it is that, well, the president is like a blind man in a roomful of deaf people. There is no discernible connection"
Small: Im not willing to say I want to return to private life because Im too old to begin telling lies now
"I'm not willing to say I want to return to private life because I'm too old to begin telling lies now"
Small: I pray daily... for peace
"I pray daily... for peace"
Small: I used some vivid language that, if I could take it back, Id take it back. Its not my intention to be p
"I used some vivid language that, if I could take it back, I'd take it back. It's not my intention to be personally critical of the President or of anyone else"
Small: Our intention is to give people, however you might stylize it, a tax cut or a pay raise
"Our intention is to give people, however you might stylize it, a tax cut or a pay raise"