Facts about Peter Hall

FromUnited Kingdom
BornNovember 22, 1930
Age94 years


Peter Hall is a famous Director from United Kingdom, he/she is 94 years old and still alive, born November 22, 1930.

He/she is born under the zodiac sagittarius, who is known for Philosophical, Motion, Experimentation, Optimism. Our collection contains 2 quotes who is written / told by Peter.

Related authors: Fiona Shaw (Actress)

2 Famous quotes by Peter Hall

Small: Whoever becomes the head of the National Theater finds himself in a position like that of Nelsons Colum
"Whoever becomes the head of the National Theater finds himself in a position like that of Nelson's Column - pigeons dump on you because you're there"
Small: The youth of France do not want a new neo-liberal contract
"The youth of France do not want a new neo-liberal contract"