Raymond Floyd is a famous Athlete from USA, he/she is 82 years old and still alive, born September 4, 1942.
He/she is born under the zodiac virgo, who is known for Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful.
Our collection contains 5 quotes who is written / told by Raymond.
5 Famous quotes by Raymond Floyd
"They call it golf because all the other four letter words were taken"
"I'm used to the golf course playing soft, so tomorrow I'm going to have to pay attention a little bit more"
"How can you get tired of playing golf?"
"It's going to you know, I can't go out there and shoot par and win. Everybody is playing well, and I think you'll have to go out tomorrow and have 4 , 5 , 6 under par probably"
"I guess what was going to come back came back on Monday. Of course now I've played a different golf course. I've played two practice rounds and two tournament rounds all kind of the same and now today I've played a different golf course"