Facts about Raymond Floyd

BornSeptember 4, 1942
Age82 years


Raymond Floyd is a famous Athlete from USA, he/she is 82 years old and still alive, born September 4, 1942.

He/she is born under the zodiac virgo, who is known for Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful. Our collection contains 5 quotes who is written / told by Raymond.

5 Famous quotes by Raymond Floyd

Small: They call it golf because all the other four letter words were taken
"They call it golf because all the other four letter words were taken"
Small: Im used to the golf course playing soft, so tomorrow Im going to have to pay attention a little bit mor
"I'm used to the golf course playing soft, so tomorrow I'm going to have to pay attention a little bit more"
Small: How can you get tired of playing golf?
"How can you get tired of playing golf?"
Small: Its going to you know, I cant go out there and shoot par and win. Everybody is playing well, and I thin
"It's going to you know, I can't go out there and shoot par and win. Everybody is playing well, and I think you'll have to go out tomorrow and have 4 , 5 , 6 under par probably"
Small: I guess what was going to come back came back on Monday. Of course now Ive played a different golf cour
"I guess what was going to come back came back on Monday. Of course now I've played a different golf course. I've played two practice rounds and two tournament rounds all kind of the same and now today I've played a different golf course"