Facts about Richard Lester

BornJanuary 19, 1932
Age93 years


Richard Lester is a famous Director from England, he/she is 93 years old and still alive, born January 19, 1932.

He/she is born under the zodiac capricorn, who is known for Determination, Dominance, Perservering, Practical, Willful. Our collection contains 5 quotes who is written / told by Richard.

5 Famous quotes by Richard Lester

Small: When I came to England at the very beginning of commercial television it was easy for me because I was
"When I came to England at the very beginning of commercial television it was easy for me because I was only doing one or two shows a week at most. It was really a holiday"
Small: The title came rather early in one of Ringos more tired and emotional moments
"The title came rather early in one of Ringo's more tired and emotional moments"
Small: Nervousness was never something I would ever associate with the Beatles ever. A Hard Days Night was rel
"Nervousness was never something I would ever associate with the Beatles ever. A Hard Day's Night was relatively unscathed by marijuana, but even then they were quite relaxed about it"
Small: I was able to go from stage hand to floor manager to assistant director to director in a year because t
"I was able to go from stage hand to floor manager to assistant director to director in a year because there was just no one else to do it and what I didn't realise and what people don't understand now about television is that we used to do about five shows a day"
Small: Hard Days Night was one of those great films that will never happen again to anyone in their lifetime.
"Hard Day's Night was one of those great films that will never happen again to anyone in their lifetime. UA were in profit before we'd even finished shooting - The advance sales on the album - the film was out before the album was out was more than it cost UA to make the film"