Facts about Robert Martin

BornJanuary 13, 1947
Age77 years


Robert Martin is a famous Politician from USA, he/she is 77 years old and still alive, born January 13, 1947.

He/she is born under the zodiac capricorn, who is known for Determination, Dominance, Perservering, Practical, Willful. Our collection contains 3 quotes who is written / told by Robert.

3 Famous quotes by Robert Martin

Small: I think its the great thing about having kids. They have interests that you might not have, and it open
"I think it's the great thing about having kids. They have interests that you might not have, and it opens your horizons"
Small: Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encourag
"Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise"
Small: Responsibility for learning belongs to the student, regardless of age
"Responsibility for learning belongs to the student, regardless of age"