Facts about Sharon Osbourne

BornOctober 9, 1952
Age72 years


Sharon Osbourne is a famous Entertainer from England, he/she is 72 years old and still alive, born October 9, 1952.

He/she is born under the zodiac libra, who is known for Balance, Justice, Truth, Beauty, Perfection. Our collection contains 6 quotes who is written / told by Sharon.

Related authors: Jack Osbourne (Celebrity), Kelly Osbourne (Actress), Aisha Tyler (Actress), Caprice Bourret (Model)

6 Famous quotes by Sharon Osbourne

Small: Have you seen U2s live show? Its boring as hell. Its like watching CNN
"Have you seen U2's live show? It's boring as hell. It's like watching CNN"
Small: If anybody says their facelift doesnt hurt, theyre lying. It was like Id spent the night with an axe mu
"If anybody says their facelift doesn't hurt, they're lying. It was like I'd spent the night with an axe murderer"
Small: Im very lucky in that I have a good cosmetic surgeon
"I'm very lucky in that I have a good cosmetic surgeon"
Small: I want it to be remembered that Ozzy was the first celebrity who was brave enough to open up his privat
"I want it to be remembered that Ozzy was the first celebrity who was brave enough to open up his private life to the public. He was the first"
Small: Britain leads the way in fund raising. I am so proud of Britain
"Britain leads the way in fund raising. I am so proud of Britain"
Small: Your gut is always right
"Your gut is always right"