13 Scarier Movie Moments (2009)

Final entry in the Bravo scary movie moments countdowns that aired in 2009.

"13 Scarier Movie Moments" is a 2009 tv special that discovers a few of the most frightening and chilling scenes in scary movie background. Airing on Bravo TV, the program attributes experienced commentary from movie critics, stars, and also supervisors, as well as meetings with individuals who helped to produce several of one of the most legendary scary movies of perpetuity. The special highlights thirteen terrifying scenes from a selection of films, taking a look at the methods as well as techniques used by filmmakers to frighten their audience as well as keep them on the side of their seat.

Shocking Beginnings
The program begins with the shocking opening scene of Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho", in which a woman is brutally killed in the shower. The combination of unanticipated violence, eerie music, as well as rapid cuts develop a genuinely extraordinary sequence that established the bar for all future horror films.

Slow-Motion Terror
The 2nd access on the checklist includes the renowned "slow-motion" scene from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". Rather than counting on quick edits and leap scares, director Tobe Hooper selected a slow-moving, slipping feeling of dread as target markets watched Leatherface tracking his target with his power saw in hand.

Enter the Unknown
In the 3rd chilling minute, target markets are presented to the distressing idea of an unknown superordinary pressure in 1982's "Poltergeist". The scene, including a little woman looking at spooky snow-like fragments on her tv display, has considering that become a legendary moment in the scary style.

A Sinister Lullaby
The chilling effect of kids's nursery rhymes takes spotlight in the 4th entrance on this list, featuring the scene from "A Nightmare on Elm Street" where children sing an ominous track concerning the film's villain, Freddy Krueger. The threatening lullaby sends shivers down the back of customers as well as highlights the distressing nature of the film.

Undersea Horrors
In the fifth most frightening film moment, "Jaws" sends a terrifying entity into the water, as audiences observed the innocent swimmer being dragged down from below the waves. The relentless, undetected risk lurking listed below the surface evokes a primitive concern of the sea.

Home Invasion Nightmares
The sixth access delves into the horror of residence invasion in the 2008 movie "The Strangers". The extreme, cabin-in-the-woods challenge is made all the more distressing by its sense of affection, putting viewers in person with the possibility of violence.

Via the Eyes of Evil
In the seventh most frightening moment, we witness the chilling opening scene of John Carpenter's "Halloween". The scene, shot from the killer's viewpoint, highlights the considerable use a Steadicam as well as makes target markets really feel annoyingly near the ensuing physical violence.

Unforeseen Terrors
In the eighth frightening scene, scary maestro David Cronenberg provides a shock with the mutant-baby-creature in "The Brood". Striking without warning, this distressing minute highlights the style's capacity to tap into ingrained concerns and anxieties.

Mythological Suspense
The power of dark pressures materializes in "Rosemary's Baby", including the nine scariest motion picture minute. Fearing for the security of her coming child, Rosemary slowly realizes that the people around her might have ulterior, scary objectives.

Visceral Scares
The tenth entrance highlights the horrible chest-bursting scene in "Alien", which is as stunning today as it remained in 1979. The intense display screen of gore as well as bodily destruction showcases practical results at their finest.

Climatic Dread
The atmospheric horror of 1961's "The Innocents" constitutes the eleventh most frightening motion picture minute. The scene, including a macabre figure vanishing behind a tree, creates an intense sense of worry with its sluggish pacing as well as spooky visuals.

Troubling Monsters
The twelfth scariest minute showcases the petrifying impacts of the grotesque monster in "Pan's Labyrinth". The Pale Man's creepy design makes him an unforgettable flick monster in the background of horror cinema.

Iconic Slashers
The final access in "13 Scarier Movie Moments" commemorates the slasher style, with the notorious disclose of Jason Voorhees uprising of the water at the end of "Friday the 13th". This memorable scene gives audiences an unanticipated jolt and represents the long lasting impact of the slasher film category.

To conclude, "13 Scarier Movie Moments" successfully recaptures the magic, thriller, as well as horror of the horror movies that left an indelible mark on target markets. With specialist evaluation and reflection, we can value the skill as well as workmanship that entered into producing one of the most spine-tingling cinematic experiences.

Top Cast

  • Sydney Tamiia Poitier (small)
    Sydney Tamiia Poitier
  • Heather Matarazzo (small)
    Heather Matarazzo
  • Garret Dillahunt (small)
    Garret Dillahunt
  • Bryan Bertino (small)
    Bryan Bertino
  • Laura Margolis (small)
    Laura Margolis
  • Bijou Phillips (small)
    Bijou Phillips
  • Eli Roth (small)
    Eli Roth
  • Kip Weeks (small)
    Kip Weeks
  • Matt Reeves (small)
    Matt Reeves
  • Daniel Manu
  • Michael J. Hein