Almost an Angel (1990)

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Terry Dean is an electronics wizard and thief. After he is released from jail, he is hit by a car while saving a little girl's life. While in the hospital, he dreams that God visits him and tells him he's an Angel, and must start doing good things to make up for his past life. Not believing it at first, he soon becomes convinced he must be an Angel. Not having any Angel powers yet, he must use his own experiences and talents to make good things happen.

"Almost an Angel" is a 1990 comical film that treads on the styles of crime, divinity and redemption. Directed and written by John Cornell, the movie stars well-known Australian actor Paul Hogan, who is also known for his function in the "Crocodile Dundee" series.

Plot Summary
Paul Hogan plays the character of Terry Dean, a professional thief who, after a near-death experience, thinks he has actually been picked by God to act as His angel in the world. After being launched from prison, Terry is nearly right away hit by a car.

In his semi-comatose state, he pictures a figure he takes to be God, informing him that due to his life of crime, he is borderline for entry into heaven. Concurrently, for his good deeds, he doesn't quite get approved for hell either. This unclear spiritual state leads him to view himself as an angel-in-training, sent back to Earth to perform kind deeds and tilt his balance towards the side of righteousness.

Character Transformation
Feeling duty-bound and driven by his spiritual encounter, Terry displays a considerable character improvement. As a recently self-proclaimed celestial being, he seeks to help a having a hard time recreation center run by a couple, Steve and Rose Garner.

Terry utilizes his skills as a professional thief and trickster to assist the recreation center. However, rather of enjoying unlawful activities, he now uses these abilities to raise funds, rally neighborhood support and keep the center running. His tricks, often comedic in execution, are intended to teach valuable life lessons, all while helping those in requirement.

Conflict and Resolution
The plot heightens as Terry, caught between his old criminal propensities and new-found righteousness, encounters many disputes. His previous actions cast suspicion on his intentions, bringing him into dispute with the local authorities. His secretive activities-- involving theft, deceptiveness, and "miracles"-- are misinterpreted as elaborate cons.

The climax of Terry's journey comes when he seeks to secure a local young boy, Willow (Elias Koteas) whom he had befriended, from a life of crime. Terry makes every effort to reveal Willow the potential of selecting the best path, thereby putting his own angel status at danger.

In the end, Terry finally admits his celestial deceptions were likely born out of his coma-induced hallucination and decides to come clean about his true identity. Nevertheless, his acts of compassion and altruism have currently deeply touched the lives of the neighborhood members.

Style and Conclusion
"Almost an Angel" treads a fine line in between funny and approach, challenging the notion that individuals can not change. It depicts a not likely hero, a male with a criminal past making every effort to do excellent in a world stuffed with difficulties and misfortunes.

The movie eventually stands as a testament to human durability, redemption, and the power of goodwill. Despite the fact that Terry nurses an impression of divinity, his individual transformation into a man of concept genuinely makes him 'almost an angel' in the eyes of those he help.

In conclusion, "Almost an Angel" offers a touching tale of an individual's struggle for redemption, all set amidst amusing shenanigans and lots of laughs.

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