Title: Animal Crackers (2017)"Animal Crackers" is an animated adventure-comedy movie co-directed by Scott Christian Sava, Tony Bancroft and Jaime Maestro, based upon a graphic novel by Sava. This American-Spanish co-production includes an ensemble voice cast that consists of Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Danny DeVito, Ian McKellen, Sylvester Stallone and Raven-Symoné.
PlotThe movie opens with the Huntingdon siblings, Horatio (McKellen) and Buffalo Bob (James Arnold Taylor), whose paths dramatically diverge after an argument. Horatio leaves circus life behind, while Buffalo Bob develops the most unbelievable circus including a box of captivated animal crackers that turn the customer into whichever animal they've eaten.
Quick forward a few years later on, Buffalo Bob's nephew, Owen (Krasinski) and his partner, Zoe (Blunt), inherit the magical box of animal crackers after the untimely passing of Buffalo Bob and his partner Talia (Tara Strong). Owen is happy about the unexpected inheritance as he is unhappy with his current dull job at his father-in-law's (DeVito) dog biscuit factory.
DisputeTheir happiness is brief when they discover that Horatio has been scheming to steal the magic box of animal crackers to make his stopping working circus a success. In desperation, Horatio sends out henchmen, led by Zucchini (Gilbert Gottfried), and even ends up being allies with Owen's father-in-law to get his hands on the magic box.
ResolutionUsing quick wit, bravery and aid from their old and brand-new circus pals, Owen and Zoe battle to secure this wonderful inheritance that could guarantee their circus's future success. Throughout a grand finale including brave efforts by the bad guys to take the magic box, Owen, who's changed into a hamster, bravely wards off Horatio's plans. Package of animal crackers is conserved, and the acquired circus stays under the couple's ownership and security.
StylesThroughout its length, "Animal Crackers" offers an interesting tale of familial ties, power of dreams, and durability in the face of hardship. The movie highlights the significance of protecting family heritage and valuing personal joy over social pressures. It is likewise a heartfelt story of a couple discovering their passions and hopes, which lie beyond the humdrum of their lives.
ReceptionRegardless of various production problems and delays, "Animal Crackers" provides a lovely and creative principle that enchants both children and adults. Its animation is vibrant and lively, suitable for its whimsical storyline. The great voice cast breathes life into the various characters, offering equal parts enjoyable and emotion.
In conclusion, "Animal Crackers" skillfully blends humor, experience and touching minutes into an engaging story that depicts the central theme - to truly live, one need to be totally free to follow their dreams and enthusiasms, no matter how non-traditional they may be.
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