Awaken (2021)

Awaken Poster

Rakhi Singh, a poised businesswoman, struggles to care for her Alzheimer's stricken mother, amid mounting family tensions.

Film Overview
"Awaken" is a 2021 cinematic documentary directed by Tom Lowe and produced by Terrence Malick and Godfrey Reggio. The film represents the enthusiastic effort of these fantastic filmmakers to tape-record mankind's connection to the world. It is a visual and auditory work of art that explores spiritual essence, the ebb and flow of life, and the magnanimity of our planet through stunning time-lapse and slow-motion shots. Shot over five years in more than 30 nations, it features gorgeous images of both natural landscapes and human activities, showing a deep existential connection.

"Awaken" doesn't follow a standard plot or story that characters lead. Instead, it narrates using the universal language of images and music. This visual odyssey explores our relationship with nature and the cosmos, The film streams efficiently, reminiscent of the harmony and violence present in nature. It represents human activities, natural phenomena, and cosmic events, both grand and minute information, resulting in a frustrating sense of connectivity with the world.

Artistic Approach
Tom Lowe has compiled spectacular visuals using time-lapse photography, aerial drone video footage, and slow-motion shots to offer viewers with a fragile perspective of the earth. The cinematography provides unmissable details that stimulate wonder and marvel. The images are completely integrated with music made up by Joseph Trapanese, producing an immersive experience that resonates deeply.

The motion picture leverages ingenious technology to get up close to subjects varying from the heart of a star to the world's highest peaks, the depths of the sea, the bustling energy of a city, and the serenity of a Buddhist abbey. This adds to the general sensory and philosophical experience, making the movie an amazing exploration of the human condition and our relationship with the earth.

Styles and Symbolism
The most prevalent theme in "Awaken" is the interconnectedness of everything that lives in the earth. The film portrays the cyclic nature of existence, showing birth, damage, and recreation in the natural and human-made world. It reveals humans' cultural and spiritual customizeds across numerous geographical and cultural zones.

The film beautifully juxtaposes city life - with its hustle, speed, and technology - versus the quiet, unhurried life in remote areas, depicting the paradox of human existence. There's an underlying sense of an urgent need to awaken to the unsustainability of existing way of lives and the requirement to reconnect with nature for human survival.

"Awaken" serves as a reflection of our existence and our relationship with the world around us. It motivates audiences to question the rate and instructions of our lives and invites contemplation about our location in the cosmos. The film is a homage to life on Earth, recording its beauty and turmoil with a severe sense of urgency and marvel. It's a meditative journey that encourages audiences to experience the world in wonder and appreciate the bigger photo of life and the universes.

Top Cast

  • Parminder Nagra (small)
    Parminder Nagra
    Rakhi Singh
  • Seamus Dever (small)
    Seamus Dever
    Henry Viser
  • Vee Kumari
    Uma Singh
  • Mark Derwin (small)
    Mark Derwin
    Shane Adler
  • Monica Howard
    Corporate Executive
  • Sarah Lilly
    Mary Wells
  • Ryan Sadaghiani
    Karthik Viser Singh