Big Sur (2013)

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Big Sur is a film adaptation of the Jack Kerouac autobiographical novel of the same name.

Film Overview
"Big Sur" is a 2013 American drama film directed by Michael Polish. It is based upon the semi-autobiographical book of the exact same name by Jack Kerouac. The movie narrates the story of the writer's journeys and self-discovery journey in Big Sur, California, oscillating between his life in San Francisco and his privacy in the scenic wilderness of Big Sur.

The Plot
The film opens with Jack Kerouac (played by Jean-Marc Barr), at the peak of his post-"On the Road" fame, facing a frustrating awareness that popularity and success haven't brought him the joy he thought they would. He seeks solace from his disorderly life in New York City and his uncontrolled drug abuse, by retreating to Lawrence Ferlinghetti's cabin in the tranquility of Big Sur.

In Big Sur, he wishes for restoration and solitude however is instead haunted by solitude and his alcoholism. His solitude stage is disrupted by his sees to San Francisco, where he engages with his buddies consisting of Neal Cassady (Josh Lucas), Cassady's maltreated wife Carolyn (Radha Mitchell), and his girlfriend Billie (Kate Bosworth). These check outs slip into damaging bouts of drinking and raw contemplation of his life.

Characterization and Themes
In "Big Sur", Kerouac is depicted as a struggling individual struggling with his inner devils. His life appears to be a continuous fight in between his public image as a carefree beatnik icon and his personal self where he's battling with psychological health issues, substance abuse, and a deep-seated need for solitude and peace.

The movie largely harps on styles of popularity, addiction, depression, and existential crisis. It checks out how Kerouac navigates his complex relationships and his typically self-destructive behavior while trying to reconcile with his newly obtained popularity.

Style and Aesthetic
Michael Polish, known for his visually enticing films, utilizes the beautiful landscape of Big Sur as an effective background to Kerouac's story. He utilizes the visual contrast in between the tranquil beauty of Big Sur and the clamorous city life of San Francisco to mirror the mental turmoil Kerouac undergoes inside his mind.

The narration, direct from Kerouac's prose in the unique, is provided by Jean-Marc Barr, bringing Kerouac's poetic and lyrical composing style to life. The movie carries a melancholic and introspective tone, encouraging the audience to review the expense of fame and Kerouac's synchronised struggles with psychological health and drug abuse.

Critical Reception
"Big Sur" amassed combined evaluations from critics. While there was praise for the movie's stunning cinematography and faithful recreation of Kerouac's lengthy, reflective narrative, some found the movie doing not have in emotional depth and dynamism. Others noted that the film's slower rate and contemplative nature may not attract all but can be deeply resonating for those acquainted with Kerouac's work and life.

In conclusion, "Big Sur" is an aesthetically compelling drama of Kerouac's reflections on popularity, individual struggles, and self-destruction. The film makes use of the peaceful landscape of Big Sur as a poetic contrast to Kerouac's struggling psyche, producing a thought-provoking watching experience.

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