But... Seriously (1994)

A documentary juxtaposing the events of the 20th century with the commentary of stand-up comedians.

"But ... Seriously" is a documentary film released in 1994 and directed by Jeffrey Friedman. The film offers a special point of view on the art of comedy and its influence on social and political problems. By integrating stand-up video with interviews and archival material, "But ... Seriously" digs deep into the relationship between humor and major topics, showcasing how comedians use their craft to deal with taboo and typically controversial subjects.

Idea and Content
The core idea of "But ... Seriously" is the expedition of how humor can be a lorry for social commentary and modification. The documentary combines a choice of America's the majority of prominent comedians from the late 20th century, who share their insights on the power of satire and the responsibility of comics to speak fact to power.

Throughout its runtime, the film intersperses clips of stand-up routines with honest interviews where comedians discuss their motivations, processes, and the delicate balance they must strike between being amusing and making a point. Some significant names included in this documentary include Robin Williams, George Carlin, Whoopi Goldberg, and numerous others, each providing a distinct point of view to the subject.

Styles and Messages
"But ... Seriously" addresses a range of themes, all pivoting around the main idea that comedy is more than simple home entertainment; it is an art kind with the potential to provoke idea and challenge the status quo. The film scrutinizes concerns such as politics, race, gender, and censorship through the lens of humor. It highlights how comedians can break down complex, and often sensitive, subjects into absorbable pieces, enabling people to challenge uncomfortable facts and trigger essential discussions.

The documentary also touches on the historical function comedy has played in providing a voice to those marginalized by society and the way it can equalize discourse by utilizing laughter as a common language. It argues that through funny, limits can be crossed, and social standards can be questioned, permitting a deeper understanding of the human condition and collective experience.

Impact of Comedy
"But ... Seriously" explores the impact of funny on audiences and the psychological release it can offer. By supplying relief through laughter, comedy is shown not just to be a coping system but likewise a subtle means of education and knowledge. The film highlights the concept that laughter can unify people, functioning as a bridge in between differing viewpoints, and is an effective tool for dealing with life's absurdities and injustices.

In addition, the film assesses the dangers comics take when broaching sensitive topics. In doing so, it applauds the bravery of those in the profession who persist despite possible reaction or debate, all in the service of their message and art.

In summary, "But ... Seriously" is an engaging documentary that takes a look at the complexity and impact of comedy when linked with social commentary. It presents an in-depth look into how humor can effect change, initiate discussion, and bring light to problems often shrouded in taboo. The movie is not only a homage to the art of funny but also a testament to the function of comics as modern-day jesters who, with wit and nerve, can speak reality in a manner that can be both disarming and impactful. Whether for laughter or provocation, "But ... Seriously" makes a strong case for the significance of comedy in shaping public discourse and social awareness.

Top Cast

  • George Carlin (small)
    George Carlin
    Himself (archive footage)
  • Richard Pryor (small)
    Richard Pryor
    Himself (archive footage)
  • Bill Hicks (small)
    Bill Hicks
    Himself (archive footage)
  • Lenny Bruce (small)
    Lenny Bruce
    Himself (archive footage)
  • Whoopi Goldberg (small)
    Whoopi Goldberg
    Herself (archive footage)
  • Jackie Mason (small)
    Jackie Mason
    Himself (archive footage)
  • Robin Williams (small)
    Robin Williams
    Himself (archive footage)
  • Dennis Miller (small)
    Dennis Miller
    Himself (archive footage)
  • H. Rap Brown
    Himself (archive footage)
  • Godfrey Cambridge (small)
    Godfrey Cambridge
    Himself (archive footage)
  • Mikhail Gorbachev (small)
    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Himself (archive footage)