Church Ball (2006)

Church Ball Poster

Dennis Buckstead has the hardest calling in his church. Not only has he been asked to coach a group of non-basketball players in his church but the bishop has demanded that he lead the team to the Basketball Championship. Word from the top is that this is the last season of church ball and Bishop Linderman isn't about to have his team lose for the 20th year in a row in the last season of church ball history! What was supposed to strengthen the body, invigorate the mind and cultivate brotherly love seems to bring out the worst in these church-going ball players. Dennis must find a way to bring his team together and build unity along the way to win the championship or go down in church ball history as the worst team that ever played.

Film Introduction
"Church Ball" is a 2006 comedy film directed by Kurt Hale and is loosely based on a real-life, extremely competitive, full-contact intramural basketball played by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Plot Summary
The focus of the film is on the last season of the Church Basketball League of Latter-Day Saints in the 20th century. The movie centers around the character of Dennis Buckstead (Andrew Wilson) who is pushed into training the notoriously awful team of his ward, the Mud Lake Mormons.

Mud Lake hasn't won the championship in over forty years and the Stake President, Bishop Linderman (Fred Willard), wants the prize before he is dismissed from his position. Buckstead, who was formerly a player but got injured, accepted the training position with a great deal of pressure, yet with grace in his heart to win that prize. His job was challenging, provided his team's absence of talent and the strong competitors, specifically the group from Crystal Hills, coached by the overzealous, hyper-competitive brother Pratt (Clint Howard).

To boost the group, Buckstead brought back an old teammate, "Slam" (Stan Ellsworth), who had been excommunicated. Slam's return to the court was met hesitations and different responses due to his past, however his undeniable abilities in the game became an important property for the team. As the season advances, mudslinging, elbow monitoring, and old animosities come into play, as they aim to win the champion and declare the coveted "Spirit Stick".

Styles and Motifs
The film is not practically basketball, but it is also rich with themes related to faith, community bonds, and individual redemption. The movie includes funny representations of the idiosyncrasies amongst members of the LDS Church and the eccentric personalities generally found in semi-rural Mormon society. There's a sense of brotherhood, and forgiveness was highlighted when the team gave "Slam" a 2nd possibility.

Vital Reception
"Church Ball" was met combined evaluations. Critics applauded the movie's easy going humor and the cast's comical performances, particularly those of Andrew Wilson and Clint Howard. However, some believed that the film's potential was obstructed by flat, generic stereotypes and mediocre storytelling. Regardless of these evaluations, the film has been well received by a niche audience, especially amongst basketball circles and members of the LDS Church, where church ball has actually been a longstanding and deeply established tradition.

"Church Ball" overall gives a funny viewpoint on a distinct tradition within the LDS Church. Filled with football gags, slapstick comedy, and football (basketball) movie clichés, it explores themes of community, forgiveness, and perseverance, revealing the audience that winning isn't everything and the significance of playing the video game with an excellent spirit. For those knowledgeable about the culture of "church ball", this film brings a sentimental appreciation. For others, it might offer a fun, if not entirely precise, insight into the social dynamics of small, close-knit Mormon neighborhoods.

Top Cast

  • Andrew Wilson (small)
    Andrew Wilson
    Dennis Buckstead
  • Fred Willard (small)
    Fred Willard
    Bishop Linderman
  • Clint Howard (small)
    Clint Howard
    Gene Jensen
  • Gary Coleman (small)
    Gary Coleman
    Charles Higgins
  • Amy Stewart (small)
    Amy Stewart
    Susan Buckstead
  • Ross Brockley
    Mickey Morgan
  • Chad Long
    Don Weaver
  • Stan Ellsworth
    Jeremiah Jones
  • Steven Wayne Anderson
  • Sina Amedson (small)
    Sina Amedson
  • Curt Doussett
    Bruce Bracken