Dirty Work (1998)

Dirty Work Poster

Unemployed and recently dumped, Mitch and his buddy Sam start a revenge-for-hire business to raise the $50,000 that Sam's father needs to get a heart transplant.

"Dirty Work" is a 1998 funny movie directed by Bob Saget, starring Standard MacDonald, Artie Lange, and Jack Warden. Written by MacDonald and comedy writer Frank Sebastiano, with additional contributions from Chevy Chase, this motion picture follows the funny antics of two lifelong good friends who develop a non-traditional company centered around vengeance.

The Story
The movie begins with a quick intro of friends, Mitch Weaver (played by Norm MacDonald) and Sam McKenna (played by Artie Lange). Mitch has a history of losing jobs due to his tendencies towards frankness, while Sam is more affable but still out of work.

When they find out that Sam's peevish father, 'Pops' (played by Jack Warden), needs a heart transplant that they can not pay for, Mitch develops the concept of starting a "revenge-for-hire" business, fueled by his natural sarcasm and bitterness towards authority. They call it 'Dirty Work'.

Conduct of Business
Mitch and Sam begin causing havoc by implementing numerous vengeance techniques on their customers' behalf. They fill an apartment with fish to develop a ghastly smell, help a man in his quest for vengeance against a dishonest vehicle dealership, and use other wild, often juvenile techniques that consistently get them into funny situations.

Conflict and Resolution
Their service takes a problematic turn when they come across a deceitful home developer named Travis Cole (Christopher McDonald). Cole techniques them into destroying an apartment building, which he wished to remove, and refuses to pay them. Furthermore, they find that Cole had also scammed Pops out of his home where he was supposed to develop a new functional theater for Pops' heart surgeon, Dr. Farthing (Chevy Chase).

Recognizing they've been hoodwinked, Mitch prepares a plan at a celebration hosted by Cole to expose his wicked deeds and gather funds for Pops' operation. They effectively predict a video of Cole admitting to his crimes, causing his public embarrassment and loss of reputation. Consequently, they manage to raise adequate cash to fund Pops' operation, concluding the movie on an excellent note.

Cast Performances
As the movie's protagonists, Norm MacDonald and Artie Lange display their comedic abilities through their interesting efficiencies. MacDonald, known for his dry humor, portrays Mitch's frustrations and ambitions efficiently. On the other hand, Lange, with his characteristic onscreen warmth, complements MacDonald well. The supporting cast, particularly Christopher McDonald and Chevy Chase, contribute to the eccentricity and overall humor of the movie.

Important Reception
The film received blended evaluations from critics. While some appreciated the movie for its unique subplot and comical efforts, others discovered it juvenile and lacking significant humor. In spite of the mixed reviews, Norm MacDonald's dry humor and satirical flair won many viewers over, making "Dirty Work" a much-loved funny movie for a number of audiences.

The 1998 film "Dirty Work" provides an entertaining watch that follows the exploits of two pals as they navigate their method through numerous comedic scenarios. In spite of the problems they face, their determination and friendship keep them going, eventually leading them to redemption and success.

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