Dukale's Dream (2015)

In 2009, actors Hugh Jackman and his wife, Deborra-lee Furness, traveled to Ethiopia as ambassadors for World Vision Australia, one of the world's largest humanitarian aid organizations. As longtime donors, the Jackmans wanted to visit a World Vision community development project to see how rural communities were being empowered to eradicate poverty. While in the Yirgacheffe region, Hugh met a 27 year-old coffee farmer named Dukale, working to lift his family out of poverty. Spending time on Dukale's farm, Hugh learned first-hand about the value of fair trade coffee and clean cookstove technology. (C) Official Site

"Dukale's Dream" is a 2015 documentary directed by Josh Rothstein. This inspiring feature portrays Australian actor Hugh Jackman's inspiring journey to Ethiopia where he gets familiarized with the life and battles of a local coffee farmer called Dukale. The film unfolds how this experience significantly shifts Jackman's point of view towards reasonable trade in the coffee industry.

Meeting Dukale
While checking out Ethiopia, Hugh Jackman, together with his partner Deborra-Lee, meets Dukale, a modest coffee farmer with a substantial dream to lift his family out of poverty. Dukale, like lots of famers, works tirelessly every day to offer his household. However, due to numerous socioeconomic problems such as the impacts of worldwide climate change and unequal trade conditions, his earnest efforts yield little monetary gain.

Through working side-by-side with Dukale, Jackman learns about traditional coffee farming strategies, the arduous labor involved, and the lack of advantages the farmers receive regardless of their immense contribution to among the world's most lucrative markets.

Jackman's New Perspective
"Dukale's Dream" exposes the difficulties and battle of Dukale and others like him, that are largely hidden by those taking pleasure in a basic cup of coffee. His encounter with Dukale deeply impacts Jackman and triggers him to make a difference. It sparks a knowledge within him about the inequitable circulation of earnings within the coffee trade. He values that fair trade assurances susceptible farmers a minimum rate for their produce, securing them from exploitative trading conditions.

Action for Change and Conclusion
Following this transformative journey, Jackman comes back to New York, filled with drive and devotion to make an impactful modification. Acknowledging the battles of the little coffee growers, the star co-founds "Laughing Man Coffee". The coffee company pledges to purchase coffee at fair trade costs and donate all its revenues to support education, community development, and new service advancement.

"Dukale's Dream" exposes a powerful narrative that humanizes global trade and highlights its capability to either establish or rampage lives. The movie focuses not just on Dukale's dream but likewise on Jackman's dream sparked by Dukale; to light up an odd harmful problem hiding behind our everyday cup of coffee, and to inspire customers to make mindful choices that might drive firms towards ethical and sustainable trade practices. It is an enchantingly fascinating and instructive journey that highlights the power of hope, effort, and dedication.

As the documentary concludes, it is evident that Jackman's involvement with Dukale was not simply a short lived star recommendation but an enduring commitment to social justice. The movie undoubtedly inspires a shift in trade policy awareness among the audience, motivating them to make purchase decisions that better support farmers like Dukale.

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