Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big (2000)

Edwurd Fudwupper spends all his time cooking up big fibs. But one day, he tells such a humdinger that the army, the air force and the dog catcher are called to try to reverse the damage wrought. An unlikely heroine comes to his rescue.

"Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big" is a 22-minute animated brief movie released in 2000. Directed by Berkeley Breathed and developed by Nickelodeon Movies, the brief film is based on Breathed's own children's book, "Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big".

The story revolves around a young and extremely imaginative kid, Edwurd Fudwupper, who is understood for his routine of constantly lying and exaggerating. This propensity for fibbing ultimately leads to disorderly and often funny scenarios. The story is told by Edwurd's little sister, Fannie Fudwupper, who is the only one familiar with the reality behind Edwurd's tales.

One day, Edwurd tells a massive lie, claiming he was accountable for the mess in your house when in reality, it was his pet pig. This lie develops into a horrid, monstrous, three-toed beast that ends up being unmanageable. The fib beast is so big that it causes chaos not simply in their town, but quickly enough in the entire world. Amongst the chaos, Edwurd declines to confess he was lying since he hesitates of penalty.

Fannie, understanding the scale of the damage caused by Edwurd's lie, encourages him to say sorry and admit the fact to everyone. With some reluctance, Edwurd lastly admits he lied and asks forgiveness, which causes the fib beast to disappear. While a little mess stays, the town is conserved from the huge turmoil. The story ends with the townsfolk forgiving Edwurd, stressing the moral that it's always much better to tell the reality.

Animation and Voice Cast
The animation style of "Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big" can be best referred to as surreal and caricature-like, mirroring the art design in the original book by Breathed. Art Clokey, Gumby's creator, supplies the voice for the adult characters, while Breathed's daughter, Sophie, provides her voice to Fannie. On the other hand, the notorious character Edwurd is voiced by star Jonathan Harris.

Legacy and Impact
"Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big" is, in essence, a lesson on honesty cleverly told through an amusing, creative, and heartfelt narrative. Furthermore, it's noteworthy for its special animation design, and for bringing a popular kids's book to life on screen. Through creative storytelling and engaging characters, the film successfully imparts an essential moral lesson on the damaging nature of lies, and the liberating power of reality. This animated short movie continues to be enjoyed by audiences for its humor, charm, and the classic message it conveys.

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