Gargantua (1998)

Gargantua Poster

Marine biologist Jack Ellway and his son Brandon are drawn to the Polynesian island of Malau to study the effects of recent seismic activity on the area's marine life. Along with the local doctor Alyson Hart, they soon become caught up in the investigation of a series of recent drownings with unexpected results. As Jack explores the surrounding ocean for a mysterious marine creature, Brandon discovers and befriends a three-foot-long baby creature that is able to leave the ocean and walk on land. As more dangerous and giant creatures come onto the island, and the military begins to take offensive action, Jack must risk everything to save the creatures, the island and his son. Written by ADAM G. THOMAS

Film Overview
"Gargantua" is a 1998 American science fiction/horror telefilm, directed by Bradford May. The telefilm integrates components of experience, sci-fi and scary categories. The narrative focuses on a group of characters who experience a huge sea monster off the coast of a small island.

The experience unfolds as oceanographer Dr. Jack Ellway (played by Adam Baldwin) goes on a journey to Malau Island with his teenage kid, Brandon (played by Jake Eberle) to study the impacts of seismic activity on the marine ecosystem. Soon after they arrive, they discover odd happenings including off-scale tremblings and increases in the size of sea life. Ultimately, they discover the cause - a humongous sea creature that chooses turtles and researchers amongst its menu options!

In the midst of the trip, the relationship in between Dr. Jack Ellway and his child Brandon takes spotlight. Their strained relationship is gradually restored through their shared working experience and the typical fight against the anomalies caused by the environmental disturbances. Betty (Julie Carmen), a regional doctor and Freeman (Emile Hirsch), a good friend of Brandon also become part of this adventure.

Suspense and Reveal
As the citizens of Malau Island continue to experience uncommon happenings, the suspense deepens. The extreme scenarios brought on by the gargantuan sea beast results in enjoyment and thrilling experiences. The reveal of the monster shatters the calm of the island, leading to a fight for survival.

The climax of the film has Dr. Ellway and others making a desperate bid to save their lives and the island from the monster. Brandon, using his computer system skills, handles to signal the U.S Navy about their predicament. The film overemphasizes the remarkable climax by including a suspenseful sequence of the U.S Navy bombing the monster. This action sequence is adjoined with psychological moments shared amongst the characters and their victory versus the monstrous creature.

"Gargantua" concludes on a note of relief and resolution. The Ellways, who have braved the natural disaster brought on by the huge sea monster, are closer than ever. The disaster brings out the strengths of each character, and lines blurred in between individual and expert lives end up being more pronounced.

The movie is identified by its remarkable visual impacts, extreme action scenes, climatic scary themes, and a dramatic storyline that explores the complexities of familial bonds under duress. "Gargantua" showcases the power of human will, bravery, intelligence, and love, in the middle of an anarchy of nature, leaving audiences with a lingering thought about the after-effects of disrupting the natural balance of environments. While falling under the thrills and chills of a horror/science fiction movie, "Gargantua" touches on subtle explorations of individual relationships and the human spirit that include depth to its story.

Top Cast

  • Adam Baldwin (small)
    Adam Baldwin
    Jack Ellway
  • Julie Carmen (small)
    Julie Carmen
    Dr. Alyson Hart
  • Emile Hirsch (small)
    Emile Hirsch
    Brandon Ellway
  • Bobby Hosea (small)
    Bobby Hosea
    Col. Wayne
  • Doug Penty
    Paul Bateman
  • Peter Adams
    Dr. Ralph Hale
  • Alexander Petersons
    Derek Lawson
  • Monroe Reimers
    President Manny Moki
  • Darren Selby
  • Tony Briggs (small)
    Tony Briggs
    Police Chief
  • Puven Pather (small)
    Puven Pather