Guns Akimbo (2020)

Guns Akimbo Poster

An ordinary guy suddenly finds himself forced to fight a gladiator-like battle for a dark website that streams the violence for viewers. In order to survive and rescue his kidnapped ex-girlfriend, he must battle Nix, a heavily armed and much more experienced fighter.

"Guns Akimbo" is a 2020 action-comedy motion picture directed by Jason Lei Howden. This electrifying film features stars Daniel Radcliffe and Samara Weaving. The audience embarks on a thrilling journey with the protagonist, Miles, as he discovers himself caught in a death-match live-streamed on the internet.

Plot Summary
The film revolves around Miles, depicted by Daniel Radcliffe, a shy computer game designer leading an ordinary life filled with regular. His life suddenly takes an extreme turn when he becomes a reluctant participant in a lethal death match popularised by an underground gang called Skizm. Skizm arranges death matches in between dangerous wrongdoers and broadcasts them live to an audience with a pressing thirst for violence.

Engagement with Skizm
One night, Miles giants the Skizm online forum, which ends up being a grave mistake. Miles' identity is found by the gang, and they snatch him. Miles awakens only to discover that he has actually guns bolted to both of his hands, requiring him into participation. His challenger takes place to be Nix (Samara Weaving), Skizm's deadliest and most accomplished killer.

Scary Challenge
The frightened Miles needs to discover a method to not only stay alive but likewise save his kidnapped ex-girlfriend, Nova (Natasha Liu Bordizzo), from Skizm. Without any grooming for real-world brutality, Miles fumbles his method around actually single-handedly, offered the circumstance of having actually weapons bolted to his hands.

Miles and Nix Interaction
A substantial part of the film illustrates the advancement between Miles and Nix as they realize much of their problems are inherently linked. Nix, in addition to Miles, comes to comprehend that they are two sides of the exact same coin in their fight against Skizm.

"Guns Akimbo" uses an unusual mix of dark comedy and action, presenting a social commentary on the voyeuristic consumption pattern of violence. Through the extreme circumstance faced by Miles, it mirrors society's fallen requirements of home entertainment where individuals are obsessed with and look for satisfaction from viewing the suffering of others. The motion picture concludes with Miles attempting to lower Skizm, embodying the message that stooping down to the level of the oppressor isn't the only way to beat them.

Daniel Radcliffe depicts the unlikely hero Miles excellently, stabilizing his character's comic scare and bravery with relative ease. Samara Weaving is strong and menacing as the dreadlocked Nix, instilling a mix of worry and appreciation in the viewers.

Overall Reception
While "Guns Akimbo" attracted mixed evaluations for its hyper violence and lofty styles, the film leveraged its hyper-stylized cinematography and dynamic performances to captivate the audiences. Its satirical take on society's obsession with violence, served with a side of humor, uses unique home entertainment worth.

In conclusion, "Guns Akimbo" is a rollercoaster trip of high-octane action sequences and comic relief that discusses society's ethical decadence, making it a memorable movie. Regardless of the different viewpoints surrounding the film, it can't be denied that it uses a special watching experience and presses boundaries in its way.

Top Cast

  • Daniel Radcliffe (small)
    Daniel Radcliffe
  • Samara Weaving (small)
    Samara Weaving
  • Natasha Liu Bordizzo (small)
    Natasha Liu Bordizzo
  • Ned Dennehy (small)
    Ned Dennehy
  • Rhys Darby (small)
    Rhys Darby
  • Grant Bowler (small)
    Grant Bowler
  • Edwin Wright (small)
    Edwin Wright
  • Milo Cawthorne (small)
    Milo Cawthorne
  • Mark Rowley (small)
    Mark Rowley
  • Racheal Ofori (small)
    Racheal Ofori
  • Set Sjöstrand (small)
    Set Sjöstrand