Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

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WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people and becomes the first Conscientious Objector in American history to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Film Synopsis
"Hacksaw Ridge" is a seriously acclaimed 2016 war movie directed by Mel Gibson. Set during World War II, it vigilantly recounts the heroic acts of Desmond Doss, an American Army Medic, and diligent objector. The story is deeply rooted in historical occasions and is a compelling narration of Doss's heroism.

The plot unfolds with the youth of Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield) in Virginia, illustrating his strong religious beliefs, his hostility to violence due to a distressing incident with his brother, and the courtship of his future wife, Dorothy. When the United States ends up being associated with World War II, Doss enlists in the army, expecting to act as a medic. Nevertheless, he ardently thinks in the Commandment "You shall not murder" and refuses to touch a firearm.

His persistence to serve without a weapon causes ostracization, ridicule from his peers, and persecution from his superiors. His refusal to bear arms nearly gets him court-martialed, but his dad's intervention conserves him, protecting his right to act as a conscientiously objecting unarmed medic.

Fight of Okinawa
The story then moves to the Battle of Okinawa. Doss's system is tasked with climbing the large cliff-face of Hacksaw Ridge to remove the entrenched Japanese forces. In spite of being unarmed, Doss bravely ventures into opponent area, dragging injured soldiers to the edge of the ridge and decreasing them down the cliff to security.

Heroism Beyond Battle
In one critical, heart-stopping scene, Doss refuses to evacuate with his associates and spends the whole night alone on the ridge, saving and decreasing injured soldiers to safety. "Just one more. Assist me get one more", becomes Doss's duplicated prayer as he valiantly risks his life time and once again to conserve his fellow soldiers.

Consequences and Recognition
Doss is seriously wounded by a grenade however makes it through, dragged to security by a soldier he had actually earlier conserved. His heroism that added to conserving around 75 lives in the Battle of Okinawa is later on recognized by his comrades and remarkable officers. He is awarded the Medal of Honor by President Harry S. Truman, becoming the very first conscientious objector to receive this honor in American history.

"Hacksaw Ridge" is an extreme, powerful film that informs the real story of a not likely hero. Desmond Doss, as portrayed by Andrew Garfield, shows immense nerve, perseverance, and dedication to his concepts, even in the face of difficult odds. His pacifist beliefs and adventurous actions in the midst of a violent war provide a special viewpoint on heroism. It is a well-executed historic drama, loaded with gritty battle series, and psychological depth, that honours a guy's faith and the magnitude of his heroism. The moral complexities embedded in Doss's story make "Hacksaw Ridge" one of the most intriguing war movies of recent years.

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